Chapter 38

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TW- Smut? sort of?, fluff, (kinky shit 😰)
This chapter is mainly just smut so(keep both hands on the phone you freaks)

I woke up, legs weak, messy hair, no mattheo?

I quickly sat up looking around my room not seeing him. I looked over to the bathroom but the light was off. I stood up and grabbed a pair of sweatpants, quickly walking out of my bedroom door and looked down the hallway, no mattheo.

I walked down the hallway and looked over the railing into the sitting area, no mattheo.

I quickly walked down the stairs and searched the halls and every room possible, where is everyone? where's mattheo?

I started to panic slightly, my breathing quickened as I couldn't find any signs of Mattheo.

The walls started shaking as the glass windows broke all around me, slicing my skin as it flew through the air. Voldemort walked in with his snake following. He had his normal evil smile then turned into smoke that surrounded me. "As long as you live, so will I". It repeated over and over filling my head with only those words. I shut my eyes covering my head with my hands as i fell to my knees in a panicked manor. I shut my eyes even tighter as the words filled my brain, I opened them when the noises stopped and I was back in my bed, Mattheo beside me sprawled out with messy curls laying on his forehead, an arm on my pillow where my head used to be. He was sleeping peacefully, his lips parted slightly as he let out a deep breath every few seconds. I furrowed my brows wondering if what just happened was just another nightmare.

I let out a deep sigh and laid my head back down on Mattheos arm, lifting my hand and tracing patterns on his bare chest as I lay awake thinking of what I had dreamt about.

We were back at Hogwarts and all I could think about was "As long as you live, so will I". What does that even mean? Why can't I be like a normal person and dream of puppies or something?

Mattheo came up behind me, hugging my waist and kissing my neck gently. "Hi baby" he whispered in my ear and I smiled turning my head to look back at him. "hi" I greeted in return, pecking his lips gently. He let go of me and spun me around to face my body towards him.

"What's going on with you lately?" He questioned me with a serious tone.

I furrowed my brows as I stared up at him for a moment. "What do you mean?" I laughed half heartedly.

"I mean, what's the whole, 'As long as you live, so will I'?" He asked.

How did he know about that?

"Have you been in my head again?" I asked him. I hate when he reads my mind without even telling me.

"Just answer the question"

"Answer mine."

"Yes, I was in your head to figure out why you've been acting weird lately."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, looking away from him in disbelief. "Why can't you do one thing I ask you too? If I say stay out of my head, stay out." I said with a slight attitude.

"Well maybe start actually talking to me about your problems so I wouldn't have to." He returned the attitude. "Answer my question." He continued.

"It was just another nightmare, it doesn't matter." I answered, crossing my arms and looking away from him again.

"What did I say about the nightmares?" He said raising his voice.

I use a mocking voice when I answer "Always tell me if you have a nightmare". I kept my arms crossed, not holding eye contact for more than two seconds at a time.

I saw him clench his jaw from the corner of my eye, his eyes stared into my soul like daggers as he looked down at me. He quickly grabbed me by the throat and forced my body against the wall beside me. I grunted from the sudden impact and finally looked him in the eye with the same amount of rage as him as his face was inches from mine. "Drop the attitude before I make you lose it." He said harshly looking down at me, his grip getting tighter around my neck, making it hard to breathe.

I'm not gonna give up that easily if thats what he thinks, we're married, he should know by now shit like this is a kink.

I rolled my eyes once more, breaking the eye contact between us. I could sense him getting more angry as he pushed even harder against my neck into the wall. "Don't test my fucking patience." He continued.

Damn he's so hot.

Our faces were close enough I could just close the distance right then and there. So I did. I smashed my lips into his, he took some pressure off of my throat in return and lifted his other arm to the side of my head on the wall, deepening the kiss further. "Now what are we going to do about the attitude?" He said breathlessly, breaking the kiss. "Drop it" I responded, almost in a whisper. "Good girl" He rewarded with another deep kiss, lowering his free hand to my waist. "If you want to act like a spoiled brat, you're going to be treated like one. Understand?" He broke the kiss again, staring me in the eyes with hatred. I nodded in response, looking back into his eyes innocently. "Knees" he demanded looking down at the floor as he slightly pushed me down and took away his hand from my throat. I did as I was told and got on my knees in front of him. I looked up into his eyes while I undid his belt. I looked away from his eyes and down to his buttoned pants so I could see where the buttons were but he quickly lifted my chin to look back into his eyes. "Look me in the eyes the entire time.". His words sent shivers down my spine. I undid the buttons and pulled down his pants, boxers with them. He was already hard and it practically sprung up itself. I grabbed my hair tie from my wrist and quickly put my hair in a messy ponytail. I grabbed the start of his dick and guided it to my mouth, still keeping eye contact. He was pretty large and I didn't know if I could take his size but I did the best I could as I slowly let him in my mouth. He groaned and flung his head back as I continued. I still continued to look up at him as I sucked and honestly I took it like a champ. I choked a few times when it hit the back of my throat, causing my eyes to water slightly but I kept going anyway. "Fuck." He grunted flinging his head back again. It shocked me slightly when he came into my mouth. I swallowed and kept going because he hadn't told me to stop yet. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head up, lifting my body with it. "You can stop now, love." He said in a raspy voice. I stood up completely, unsure of myself. "Was it not good? I haven't-" He cut me off with a kiss with his hand still holding my chin. "No no no, you did good, it felt fucking amazing. But I could tell you were struggling" He smiled revealing his dimples as he kissed me again.

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