Chapter 16

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It's been about two months now and I still haven't organized my dad's potion closet. He bugs me about it a lot and I tell him I'll do it but I never do. Terence and Theodore leave me alone now, probably because they're scared of Mattheo. He protects me a lot and Blaise and Draco tease me about it all the time.

It was the weekend so I decided I might TRY to organize my dad's potion closet. I was making my way through the dark corridors and to my father's classroom. It was a rainy day and I felt the light tones of the rivulets dripping on the sluggish earth's surface were soothing.

I made it to the potions closet that sat right outside my father's front classroom door. It was a very tight space but reached very elevated. There was a ladder that allowed me to organize the top shelves. There were hundreds, if not thousands of bottles in that closet. It's going to take me like a week to organize it.

I started organizing all of the bottles and started to hear footsteps. I suggested it was probably a teacher or a student just on a walk around the halls, it was the weekend after all. 

"Hey." I heard someone say behind me. I quickly turned my head while I stood on the ladder and looked to see who it was, startled at the sudden voice.

It was Mattheo. Of course.

"What do you want Riddle?" I asked annoyed with a sigh.

"Whatcha doing," he asked while leaning in the doorway of the circular closet.

I got lost in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes. His curls lay perfectly on his forehead. His soft lips curled at the ends to create a grin. His smooth skin. His-

My thoughts were cut off by Mattheo.

"Helloooo? Snape?" he waved a hand in my face.

"Oh uh, sorry, I was just-" he interrupted.

"Thinking about me? How hot I am? Don't worry darlin. Just don't forget to breathe." he winked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.

"No, I just spaced out."

"Because of my devilishly good looks," he acted like he flipped his hair behind his shoulder.

I just blankly looked at him and turned back around to keep organizing the bottles.

I started getting thirsty so I stepped off the ladder and realized Mattheo was still standing in the doorway.

"Can you move" I asked with an attitude.

"No." he said coldly.

"Why? Just move, I'm thirsty" I nudged his arm trying to get him to move but he didn't budge.

"Maybe ask nicely" a grin formed on his face revealing his dimples. His adam's apple moved up and down as he spoke.

I sighed and looked up at him.

"Please, move out of the way," I mumbled.

A bigger smirk formed on his face, he looked satisfied with my words.

"Good girl." he moved out of the way and let me pass.


𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙.

Those words stuck with me the whole rest of the day. The tone in his voice made it even harder to get out of my head. I organized a little more of my dad's potion closet and went back to the common room.

I lay with my stomach on the black leather couch. Blaise sat on the other end of the couch with my lower shins on his lap. Draco sat in a chair playing wizard's chess with one of the ghosts, you could tell he was losing.

Someone walked into the common room, I lifted my head to see who it was.

Someone new.

I had never seen them before yet they still looked familiar. I nudged Blaise with my foot so that he would look where I was looking. The mysterious boy looked at me after scanning around the room.

He lifted his arm and pointed at me.

"You must Addison Snape" he let out.

What. The. Hell.

"Uh...maybe" I stayed hesitantly.

He walked closer to me and looked down at me laying on the couch.

"My brother talks about you all the time."

"Well, who's your brother?" I asked.

He chuckled silently and looked at the ground.

"Maybe I should introduce myself first," he stated and sat down on a black leather chair across from the couch I was laying on.

"I'm Tom. Tom Riddle."

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