Chapter 34

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It's almost April already and we've got the whole wedding thing figured out. I'm still kind of freaked out with this whole war thing and i'm constantly on edge. I'm still slightly mad at Mattheo and my dad for keeping secrets from me but i've gotten over it for the most part.
The only people who know about the wedding is Blaise and Draco, who also knew about the war and didn't tell me either. I want to tell Pansy but it's against the rules and there would be too many questions.

I'm sitting in my normal seat on the long wooden bench as I do everyday in the great hall and tap my quill against my temple as I look down at my transfiguration homework. I examine the same question over and over, the words never corresponding with my mind no matter how many times I look it over.

I used to love school, I looked forward to it actually. I loved my classes, I loved my teachers, I loved the work, I loved taking notes, everything about it.
But when you age everything changes, what I used to love has now turned into something I dread. It's not the same, it's draining and tiring.

"aWhere's your crazy boyfriend?" Blaise asks while him, Draco and Tom sit down across from me. "Probably doing crazy things" I responded, not even looking up from my homework, continuing to struggle.
Draco and Blaise talked while Tom stared between me and my homework. He gently placed his hand on my paper and slid it to his side of the table and examined the question I was on.
He handed it back and looked me in the eye, "It's Flintifores, that's why it's not working. You keep using Vera Verto." He smiles. I reached out to grab my paper from his hand and let it register in my brain what he had said.
I announced the spell and it worked how it was supposed to.

Mattheo sat down next to me with his normal blank expression. He rested his hand on my thigh and leaned his elbow on the table and used his hand to support his head.
After a few more minutes I finished my paper and looked up to hear what the boys were talking about.
"I'll tell you, jail is no fun" Blaise says while making obnoxious hand motions. "You've been to jail?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows. " Monopoly."
I rolled my eyes at his response and looked around the Great Hall. "We should go to the lake today" Draco suggests while resting his hands on the table. "Hell no, it's way too cold outside" I respond while looking at him like he's crazy. He groans and rolls his eyes in my direction, "don't be such a pussy, scared you're gonna get little chilly?" Draco teased with a smile. Mattheo glared Draco but stayed silent. "Well I was trying to look out for you, don't want that cold water to wash out all that bleach in your hair, do you?" I say with a sarcastic tone back and a smirk on my face. "Go fuck yourself." He responded. "Right now? or can I get some privacy first?" I folded my arms on the table and looked him in the eye.

Mattheo grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me out of the Great Hall. "Mattheo, what the hell?" I glared up at him as he lets go of my wrist and he leans against the stone wall. "I'm sick of Draco." He glared down into my eyes. "Is it because of what just happened? Cause we do that all the time we aren't actually fighting" I smiled up at him as I explained it, hoping that it would resolve the issue. "No, can't you tell he was just flirting with you  and teasing you?" He says angrily and points over to the Great Hall. I flinch at his sudden outburst. "Trust me, he's not flirting, we've been friends since we were little, we see each other as siblings at most." At laugh slightly and look up at him pleadingly. He stayed silent for a moment and rubbed his chin then look down at me again. "I'm a guy, I know what other guys think. I've seen him look at you in a way that 'siblings' don't. I've pushed it off long enough but he's pissing me off." He let out in an angry outburst.
I think about what he has to say but I only see Draco and like a brother and i'm sure he feels the same towards me. I could never see me and Draco being together. Mattheo let out a sigh and put his hands in his pockets. "You and Draco were supposed to be together. It was all planned out" He looked at the aluminum floor. I raised a brow at him when it registered what he had said, "What?" Is all I could muster up to say.
"Your father and his parents planned it so when I got in the way it all changed. I wasn't supposed to be with you but..I..I love you"

I'm not your pet, Riddle.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora