Chapter 37

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(Wedding dress ^^)

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(Wedding dress ^^)

TW!!: SMUT!!! (I'm sorry in advance)

I took a deep breath as I walked into the large dark hall, my heels clicking against the stone floor of Malfoy Manor. My hair draped over my shoulders and the dress brushed against my feet.

Deatheater weddings aren't like normal ones. My dad doesn't get to give me away, you don't have music playing in the background, there aren't any decorations celebrating this beautiful day. It's dark and feels like a dark cloud is hovering over you at all times.

I took another deep breath and shut my eyes forcefully as I reached the two large doors that lead into the room. I pressed my hand against the door and left it there for a moment before pushing it open. Mattheo stood there with his father behind him smiling mischievously. My dad was on the other side of him, glaring into Mattheos soul.

Mattheo quickly turned his head when he heard the doors open. He parted his lips slightly then quickly shut them as I walked up to him and in front of him. He looked me up and down then smiled warmly into my eyes. Seeing his smile instantly made my worries blow away and I smiled back up at him.

"You look beautiful" He whispered down to me. "You're not so bad yourself" I added smiling up at him.

Voldemort started saying shit that I blanked out for as I held eye contact with Mattheo. His deep brown eyes are so perfect.

I zoned back in when Voldemort brought out a dagger that had engraving in it. I looked down at it and studied it for a moment as he handed it to me. I looked down at it in my hands, I wasn't paying attention and had no idea what I was supposed to do with this. Mattheo out stretched his hand, palm up facing it towards me. I looked up at his eyes and then back at his hand. He nodded his head with a half hearted smile and I gently grabbed his hand. I look back at my dad who had a cold expression on his face and he nodded as well. I swallowed harshly and lifted the dagger to his palm but didn't pierce his skin yet. I looked back into his eyes and pressed the dagger harder into his palm, causing it to bleed as I drug it down his palm, watching it drip off of his hand. My eyes widened slightly as I saw the dagger absorb some of the blood, making the engraving red, but only half of it. Mattheo grabbed the dagger from me, causing the handle to stain with blood. I took another deep breath and lifted my palm to him now. He held it gently and pressed the dagger to my palm but didn't pierce my skin yet. He looked me in the eyes and I nodded like he did to me. Yet he still didn't do it.

"Son?" Voldemort said with a raspy voice as he smiled at Mattheo.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something. "I don't want to hurt you." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. I let out a quiet sigh and nodded again. "It's ok." I said reassuringly, raising my palm further.

He took another deep breath and waited a moment before stabbing my skin and dragging it down my palm, causing me to wince slightly but the pain quickly faded as the dagger absorbed my blood, filling up the other half. The dark red engraving grew brighter.

"You two are now blood bonded. It will pain you to be far apart. You will stay together as long as you both shall live." Voldemort added as he smiled at the both of us. "Now cake!" He said happily and rushed over to the table filled with sweets. I narrowed my eyes at him as the music started and people started talking. I look back up at Mattheo who was already smiling down at me. He lowered his head, pressing his lips to mine gently.

"Hey! None of that!" My father said as he drank from a wine glass. I laughed and pulled away from Mattheo.

The whole night we tried to make light of this and danced, ate cake, and kissed behind my dad's back as much as we could. I was currently in my bedroom at Malfoy Manor, trying to get all of the bobby pins out of my hair in the bathroom. Mattheo walked in and saw me taking off my shoes. He shut the door behind him and put a spell on the room as he walked over to me.

"Hey that's my job" He smirked down at me as i leaned over trying to get my heel off.

I smiled up at him as he walked closer, pressing his body and lips against mine. I giggled as he lowered his hands to my thighs, picking me up and laying me down on the bed. He walked to the end of the bed and took my heels off for me, quickly taking his shoes off after. He climbed on top of me and connected our lips once more with a smile. I lowered my hands, reaching for his tie, pulling him closer to me. I began to untie it and threw it on the floor. I pressed my hands against his chest, unbuttoning his shirt and untucking it from his pants. He pulled away as he threw his shirt on the floor and began taking the straps of my dress from my shoulders.

"How the hell do you get this thing off?" He said in frustration. I laughed at his remark and took it off for him and pushed it onto the floor, revealing my body in only a black lace bra and underwear. He smiled and looked me up and down, biting his bottom lip and pressing his lips to my neck, leaving hickeys along my collarbone and more. I lowered my hands once more to his chest, running my fingers gently along his abs till I reached his belt and started to unbuckle it. I took it out of the loops and started to lower his pants now. He did the rest of the work as it reached his ankles and kicked it on the floor and he was only in boxers now.

I looked up at him with bambi eyes filled with lust and desire, him doing the same. He pressed his lips hard against mine, more passionate than before as he lowered his hand to the hem of my underwear and in them. I breathed more deeply now as I continued kissing him. He slowly ran his thumb over my clit causing my heart to raise. He gently shoved his ring and middle finger in to me and I groaned slightly as he kept his lips pressed to mine, causing him to smile. I let out a deep breath and pulled away from his lips as he started to kiss my neck again while rubbing my clit and going in and out with his fingers. I continued breathing unevenly against his ear, moaning every few moments.

After a few moments he lifted his hand, licking the cum off of them then took off my underwear, then his boxers. He looked down at me for permission and I nodded. He guided his dick to inside of me and slowly pushed inside. My back lifted and I moaned quite loudly. I quickly looked towards the door.

"What if someone hears?" I whisper shouted to him and smiled as he kissed me. "I put a silence charm on the room, darling." He answered and pulled out then pushed into me again, causing me to moan once more. He kept going in and out and I could feel a knot build up inside me as I moaned over and over as he went deeper.

I grasped his shoulder, digging my fingernails into his skin. "Mattheo" I moaned and he went faster.

I let out one last moan as the knot released and he pulled out all the way before kissing my neck once and falling to the side of me on his back.

"Wow" He said breathlessly.

"Wow" I repeated and turned my head to look at him with a smile. He returned the favor and smirk back at me, kissing me in the lips again.

We were cuddling now, I wore one of his t-shirts and put my underwear back on but didn't bother putting on a bra. He put his boxers back on so his little friend wasn't poking me the whole night.

I'm not your pet, Riddle.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora