Seongjoong: Welcome Baby

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Park Seonghwa was the husband of a famous ceo, Kim Hongjoong. They have been married for 2 years and have been thinking about starting a family of their own. The couple have been trying for months but still haven't succeeded.

Today was Hongjoongs birthday and Seonghwa had a special surprised planned for his lover. Seonghwa was the first one to wake up.

Glancing over to his sleeping husband, Seonghwa smiled kissing the brown haired boy before heading down stairs to the kitchen. Seonghwa started to cook breakfast.

The kitchen filled with a smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. As he was cutting some fruit he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his waist. He smiled as he felt soft wet kisses being planted on his neck.

"G morning love." Seonghwa put down the knife and turned to face his husband.

Hongjoong smiled at him before hiding his face in the elders neck. "Good morning baby."

Hongjoong pulled Seonghwa into a sweet passionate kiss. After 3 minutes they pulled away.

"I was finishing up your birthday breakfast." The black haired boy said turning back around to finish cutting the fruit.

Hongjoong sat down on the chair as Seonghwa brung plates of food to the table. After everything was ready and settled, Seonghwa sat down.

"I hope you enjoy baby." He watched as Hongjoong took a bite of the food with a small smile popping up on the youngers face.

"I love it Hwa." Hongjoong continued to eat the food Seonghwa joining right after.

"Ill see you later." Seonghwa said kissing his husband goodbye.

Hongjoong left for work and that's when Seonghwa started his plan. He cleaned the kitchen and then went to his shared bedroom.

He got ready to go go the mall. Once he arrived he went to the nail salon to get his nails done. He got a baby blue color with designs.

He then headed to Victoria secret to pick out a lingerie set that matched his nails. He also found a choker that matched perfectly.

His last stop was the shoe store. Seonghwa searched for heels. He knew that Hongjoong loved it when the elder wore heels. After Searching he found the perfect pair of blue heels.

He paid and went home. Once he arrived home he showered and got himself ready. He did his hair and makeup.

His hair was done in a messy damped style. His makeup was light and cute. He sprayed himself with his favorite perfume and looked at himself through the mirror.

"Damn I look fuckable" He said posing.

Seonghwa checked the time and it was already 10 pass 6. He quickly dimmed the bedroom light before checking himself out in the mirror one last time. He heard the front door open. Quickly laying on the bed he heard his husband call him.

"Baby I'm home." Hongjoongs voice was heard throughout the house.

Seonghwa started to feel nervous as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He took a deep breath as the door open. Hongjoong was standing there, his tie gone and a few of the open buttons on his shirt.

Seonghwa was even more scared as his husband didn't say anything. What if he didn't like it? What if he hates his surprise? As seonghwa zoned out overthinking things Hongjoong made a swift move hovering over the elder.

"Babyboy you look amazing" Hongjoong whispered licking the boys ear earning whimper.

"Do you like your birthday present Joongie" Seonghwa asked a bit shy as the younger raised up smirking.

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