Seongjoong: Welcome baby Pt.2

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I'm sorry this took long. I got busy but I wanted to get this posted as soon as possible. It might not be the best but I tried. This story was requested by Woo_Ateez I hope you like it.

   Seonghwa was tired. It was at least his 40th time getting up to use the bathroom. It was now 6 am and the elder one was wide awake along with his son. He couldn't sleep anymore.

Seonghwa was now 9 months pregnant. He was waiting for his son Wooyoung to be born anytime. His contractions were getting closer and more painful.

Seonghwa was in the living room with a glass of apple juice and a book. He had his round lensed glasses on that sat right on the bridge of his nose.

As he sipped on his apple juice he heard footsteps coming downstairs. He looked over to where the noise was coming from to see his half asleep husband, Kim Hongjoong.

The younger dragged himself over to the elder wrapping his hands around his waist and leaning on his shoulder slowly falling back asleep. Seonghwa giggled at Hongjoongs movement.

"Baby wake up." Seonghwa nudged the younger earning a whine.

"Hongjoong-ah come on."

"Let's just stay here and cuddle for a little mmh" Hongjoong ignored the elders calls to move him and he stayed in his spot.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes and continued to read his book. Couple minutes passed by and  Seonghwa felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen making a groan in pain.

"Fuck-Joong-ahh" Seonghwa said and the elder was quick enough to sit up as he realized his husband was about to be in labor.

"Stop staring at me and helo me damnit" Seonghwa snapped as the pain comtinued to grow.

Hongjoong snapped out of his thoughts. He propped his husband more comfortably on the couch.

"How far apart are your contractions?" The younger asked curious.

"By now I would say 7 minutes." Seonghwa panted.

Hongjoong knodded caressing the elders hair. Hongjoong left to the baby's room to make sure the diaper bag was prepared.

" Ok outfits, diapers, wipes,..where are the lemme see-" Hongjoong was talking to himself when he heard a scream.

"AHHHH KIM HONGJOONG" Seonghwa yelled from downstairs altering the younger it was time to go.

Hongjoong grabbed the diaper bag and ran out the room. He ran to his and Seonghwas shared bedroom grabbing his phone and a portable charger. He ran downstairs and grabbed the car keys running out the house.

He out everything away and started the car. He ran back inside seeing his husband grabbing his 9 months old bump panting.

"Ok love slowly" Hongjoong said lifting up the elder.

Seonghwa put on his slides and Hongjoong grabbed a jacket just in case. Hongjoong slowly guided the elder to the passenger seat of the car.

Hongjoong took off once he got in the car. Seonghwa was out of breath and in pain. Hongjoong was holding his husband's hand saying sweet things to him until Seonghwa yelled in pain before sighing in relief.

"Do you feel better love?" Hongjoong asked looking over to the elder before his eyes were glued back to the road.

"Yes I do- OH MY GOD MY WATER BROKE" Seonghwa yelled freaking out.

Hongjoong picked up the speed dofing traffic to get to the hospital quickly.

Once the couple arrived to the hospital Hongjoong was quick to get the elder inside and the help he needed.

Seonghwa was taken by nurses to a room. Hongjoong followed behind hoping Seonghwa will be ok.

20 minutes later

It's been 20 minutes and Seonghwa was now calmed down. Hongjoong as already gotten the things he needed from the car.

"How are you feeling" Hongjoong asked fixing the elders hair.

"Better than before" Seonghwa said sighing.

The nurse came in checking is dilation. He was 8 meters dilated. He could start giving birth almost at anytime.

As the couple was watching TV Seonghwa felt pain in his lower abdomen. He felt pressure on his pelvic area.

"Hongjoong call the nurses the baby is coming" Seonghwa squeezed Hongjoongs arm as sweat beads started to appear on his forehead.

Hongjoong called the nurses and doctors and they all quickly came getting ready for the birth.

"UGH" Seonghwa yelled as he was trying to push but was losing his energy.

The doctors and Hongjoong kept encouraging Seonghwa to push as he the head was almost out.

"Come on love you can do it" Hongjoong said squeezing Seonghwa hand as he kept screaming in pain.

"Ok you got the head out only the shoulders left ok Mr.Kim" The doctor said and Seonghwa knodded before pushing again....

And again...

And again...

Until he finally heard cries of relief. Seonghwa and Hongjoong started to cry as they saw they're son.

Seonghwa took his newborn son from the doctor. He put the baby on his chest smiling finally happy to hold his babyboy.

"What's his name?" The nurse asked us.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa smiled at each other before saying "Jongho, Kim Jongho is his name"

Hongjoong was also happy he was finally a dad. Seonghwa gave the baby to Hongjoong so he can finally rest a bit.

The nurses cleaned Jongho before giving him back to Hongjoong.

Hongjoong sat in the chair next to Seonghwas bed while holding Jongho.

"Im happy to have you two in my life" Hongjoong said smiling to himself"

The end

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