Yeosang x Ateez: Scared

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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟

Yeosang pov

We were out side of school and it was dark outside. I was lowkey scared as fuck. I was clinging onto San as we went inside.

We looked around and Hwa found a note and read it aloud.

" A zombie apocolyspe has entered r school. If u get bitten take a drink of the antidote u found in the spand of 5 minutes when u get bitten. When the bell goes off its zombie rush so try to stay in a room."  Seonghwa finished the note and looked up at us.

" Each of us has a task some of us are together and some of us arw by are selves, so lets hurry. " The leader said as we all said are task.

Mingi, Hwa and Joong had to go to tye office.

San and Yunho and me had to go to a class room.

And Jongho was by himself.

We were exploring, the bell went of a couple of times but I was safe.

I was walking down the hallway. I didn't know where everyone was. Zombies are everywhere. I was passing a room until the bell went off.

My heart as I saw a group of zombiea coming towards me. I went inside the room closing the door as tears ran down my face. They kept on banging on the door.

I was scared and alone. I slowly walked backwards until my back hit the wall. The zombies where trying to get in the room but cant. I slowly slid down the wall still crying and curled up.

I put my head on knees trying to stop myself from crying. It didnt work. I was trapped in a room by myself scared and doesnt know where to go.

The banging finally stop but I can still hear them outside the door. I wanted one of my members. I didnt care who it was I just needed someone.

I went into the corner and layed my head against the wall. My eyes were red and puffy. Tears stains dryed up on my face. I slowly fell asleep.

Joong pov

I went into a room and saw all of my members except for one.

" Where is Sangie? " I said worriedly.

" We dont know. " The oldest on the team replied.

" We got split up and I couldnt find him. " Yunho said as tears started to build up.

" Hey its ok its not your fault. " Jongho said rubbing his hyungs back.

" We need to find her. " Woo said pacing back and forth.

" She could be anywhere. " Mingi replied.

" Therea alot of rooms in the school. " Hwa added on.

" Then lets look everywhere " San replied.

We split up looking around the school.

Jongho pov

We all split up to find Yeosang. The office team found walkie talkies so we can communicate. I was looking in everyroom until the alarm went off.

I went inside the next room I saw quickly closing the door. I sighed and turned around and saw a figure in the corner of the room.

I went closer and saw Yeosang sleeping. His face was dry with tears and his eyes were red and puffy. I went towards him slowly shaking him.

He woke and looked at me scared.

" Its ok honey. " I said as he fell into my embrace crying.

I caressed his hair making sure he felt safe.

Yeosang pov

I was crying in Jongho's chest. I calmed down at some point slowly getting sleepy again. I felt him put me on his lap as he leaned back agaisnt the wall.

" Guys I found him were in room 1b. " I heard him say.

The last thing I heard was " Were on r way." before I fell asleep.

Jongho's pov

I heard soft snores and lookes down to see Yeosang fell asleep. I kissed his head slowly rocking back n forth. The door open revealing the members. I told them to keep quiet as the he was asleep.

" Is he ok? " Hongjoong Hyung asked me.

" When I saw him he was sleeping in the corner. His eyes were red and puffy and his face was stained." I said looking back down at him.

" This is fucking stupid. " Wooyoung said pissed off.

"  Why would they pick this concept for the show knowing that he is scared of the dark. " Mingi said with a digusting face.

" Can I see him? " Hwa asked with worriedness on his face.

I smiled and knodded and picked him up earning a whine but stopped when he met hwa's embrace getting comfortable.

Hwa wrapped his legs around his waist so he has a good grip. I took of my jacket and put it around him.

" Lets go im tired and hungry. " Yunho said pouting.

We all giggled as we went into the hallway.

" Ok Hwa you in the middle just incase Sangie wakes up. " Joong said.

Hwa knodded and everyone circles him as we made there way to the main door that led out of the school.

3rd pov

They made there way out of the school. They headed to the car everyone getting in. Hwa gave Yeosang to Yunho as he was going to drive.

They finally made it home. Everyone went inside. After taking off his shoes, Yunho set the brown haired boy on the couch kissing him cheek before covering him up with a blanket.

Yeosang pov

I woke up in the dorm. I looked around and saw Mingi laying on the floor with the TV on.

" Minnie? " I said in a sleepy voice.

Mingi turned around and smiled.

" Hello love are you ok? " He asked me.

I got up and went to him sitting down next to him.

" Yeah but where is everyone? "

" They went to get some food, they left 5 minutes ago. " He said

I knodded at him making an ' Oh ' face.

" Go shower love. "  He said to me.

" Can I wear ur hoodie? " I asked him and he knodded.

" Ill get one for you." I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading to my room and getting in the shower.

I finished and was in my room cleaning up small things. Once I was finished I went back to the living room and saw everybody.

" Hi bunny, perfect time its time to eat. " Wooyoung said to me smiling.

We got everything set up and found a movie. I was inbetween San and Joongie on the couch. Everyone was focusing on the movie except me.

I was too tired to pay attention anymore. I put my head on San's lap and my legs on Joongies. San was patting my head and Joong was making small circles on my legs.

I ended up falling asleep. Before I was fully asleep I saw everybody smiling at me saying goodnight. Wooyoung putting a blanket over me.

" Good night. " Jongho said smiling at me.

" Good night everyone, love you. " I said that before falling into a deep sleep.

3rd pov

Everyone was shocked but happy. After they finished the movie they put  Yeosang to bed. They all gave him a kiss on his head and left. Hwa left his desk lamp on just incase he woke up from a nightmare.

𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲

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