Chapter 5 Who That?

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[Posted/ February 18th 2024]

Chapter 5 Who That?

Third person pov.

“Who's Clint with?” Natasha asks bluntly and out of the blue to the others.

Their attention was on her or their own things, but now it's to where they think Clint is.

She uncrosses her legs, bends over and places her wine glass down onto the glass table in front of her and then gets up from Steve's lap; leaving him cold and craving for her to come back to him. He had let her go even though he didn't want to.

He follows where his woman was looking towards and sees Clint following behind someone.

Clint literally looks like a lost puppy to Steve, Natasha and the others that found him in the crowd.

Tony chuckles, “Looks like Natasha is jealous!” his voice sang out in a sing-song tone. He was smirking big at his friend, thinking this whole thing that's going down and going to be going down; to be funny.

Natasha glares at his comment, “Shut up!”


Wandering around the new floor Clint took Kara too; Kara looked for her friends, but so far found none of them up here.

Clint was kind enough to let her look in some of the rooms she was allowed to look in and when she did check, none of her friends were in them.

The main areas were empty of them. So she was guessing they weren't on this floor, nor the floor she originally was on at the start.

Though, half way through looking on this floor, she started to guess she wouldn't find them there.

She scanned most of the people on this floor, these people were a lot of the higher up people of shield and people around the world. Yes, there were ‘lower’ people here, but the majority were the higher class here.

Her friends wouldn't be here, she knew that for sure. Wasn't bad to look for them here though.

Kara wanted to kill her friends so badly, but on the other half, she semi didn't care. She's already started to not care even more as she looks around this floor. She's minimizing her feelings and what had happened. To her, they must have had a reasonable reason for why they have left her alone; when really, there wasn't. To her now, if she has to walk home or take the bus or cab, she will if she has to, even though she doesn't want to, she will. She'll deal with her friends tomorrow or never.

Kara sighs and turns her body around, clapping her hands onto her thighs, she shrugs her shoulders as she puts her attention to Clint now, “I don't think they're here either. It's fine, they're probably just having a lot of fun,” she said with a dry tone. Getting off the topic of her friends fast, she starts to thank him, “Thanks again for letting me look for them up here, I appreciate it a lot.” this time, her tone was normal, more lively like,

She did appreciate it, even if she didn't find her friends in the end. It was kind of him to help her and let her check around some areas she wouldn't be able to if she was alone.

Clint didn't care. One of the reasons why he let her check the rooms when he knew none of her friends would be there was because he wanted some more time with her. He basically took her on a ‘wild-goose chase’ so he could have more time with her.

Clint nods his head, “Yeah, It's no problem….” he wasn't going to not try to ask and hope she will stay and sit with him and the others, he did already ask before, however she didn't say no or yes to him that time, so he was going to ask again and see how it goes this time “like I said before do you want to-”

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