Chapter 1 Whoa

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Note: Warning a head for harassment

Chapter 1 Whoa

Third person pov.

Kara didn’t expect that trying to get her hair untied and down was going to be harder than the mission she had recently finished, but it was.

Beca, Kara’s best friend who was also on the mission, was behind her and saw her friend struggle, "Dude, do you need help?" she asks.

Kara turns her head slightly to her best friend and groans and nods her head and says, "Yes, please that would be amazing." She dropped her arms down to her side and looked back in front of her in defeat.

She wasn't badly hurt on this mission, but she did get hurt. Most of her body was bruised and a bit cut up; her muscles through her whole body was sore and aching; her head was pounding; and she's ninety-nine percent sure her right hand was fucked up, well not fully fucked up, more as sprained and heavily bruised up. She's lucky it's not broken.

Beca went to work carefully to undo Kara's hair, as Kara slowly unzips and unclips her suit. The two have been best friends for years now so it wasn't weird when Kara started to strip until she was only in her bra and underwear. Beca was already only in her bra and underwear anyways too.

Kara groans when the two accidentally cause her hair to be pulled a bit too hard. Beca worried, dropped her hands from her friend's hair, “I'm so sorry, my fingers got caught in your hair…, your hair is just so knotted up” she said hastily and worried.

Beca was getting worried about her friend's hair. There were so many knots, and to get it out she would have to slightly pull and she knows Kara has a bad headache.

“I have an idea-”

Time skip.


Kara looks over to her friend as she dries her arm off.

A few minutes ago she had just finished her shower and now was drying herself off. “What?” she asks Beca, confused and curious.

Beca bites her lip and checks her friend over again. “Never thought you could get hotter. Short hair on you is fucking sexy. You totally will be going home with someone tonight," she said.

Kara blushes and laughs, "Thanks. Also thank you for cutting it. You're amazing at it- wait, how would I be going home with someone tonight?" she asks, confused.

Beca smiles, "no problems. Aren't you coming to Starks' party tonight?" She asks, stretching and yawning out.

Kara shakes her head, "uhhh…. No…" She didn't even know there was one happening tonight.

Beca frowns and looks away from what she was doing and towards her friend, "Why not? Ok, I know you're sore, but I've seen you go biking after a mission and you were worse than this" She said pointing all over Kara's body. “And i dont mean biking on smooth grounds, i mean, you going out in the woods and biking over bumpy ass rocks, trees, other fucking shit, things that doctors and i have been telling you not to do.”

Beca wasn't wrong.

Beca wanted Kara so badly to go with her and her other friends to Tony Stark's party.

The party was being held because of the recent mission that a lot of agents and Avengers were on. It was to celebrate their win.

"Come on, please!!!! Please come with me and the others! It will be so much fun" Beca begged.

Throwing her semi bloody suit in her bag, Kara sighs and thinks things through.

The door of the changing room opened and another small wave of agents came in to get cleaned up. "Please, after it, we can go out to get some food, like-like wings and pizza, then go bring it back to the apartment and watch something" Beca continued on with the begging as her friend got herself ready to leave the shower room.

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