Chapter 2 Come On

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Their Toy ~ Marvel + 18 book

Chapter 2 Come on

Third person pov.


"Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, Wait!" He jerked her arm back.

"Whoa man, back off"


The yelp that escaped her mouth didn't even match the loudness of the room they were in. The room was too loud for her yelp to even be heard over all the dancing, music, singing, and so on noises that were happening here. The only people that would have heard the yelp of pain from her would be the drunk guy, the people that are close by, very close by, but there are hardly any people that stood that close to them, and the person who has stepped in to help Kara out of this situation.

Kara had yelped and gasped because of the actions of the drunk agent. It had taken her off guard for a few seconds, causing her to stumble a bit; plus, the pain of him grabbing ahold of her, and jerking it harshly towards him so she wouldn't leave, was quiet fucking strong and fucking painful for her and caused shooting pain to go coursing through her arm, hand and rib, ripping out a yelp and gasp from her.

She looks at him shocked, but alerted. She rips her arm from his grip and takes a couple steps back from him, never once taking her eyes off him.

She is furious with this whole situation that's going down right now. It didn't need to happen, but it is. "What the fuck man!" She snapped out.

The drunk asshole had now taken his attention off of Kara and put it towards the guy that was pissing him off and ruining his chances with this fine lady.

He was already bombing it anyway, but he was too drunk to realize it, "How about you mind your own business, Man!"

"Just move on dude, and go home and rest. It was a long day."

Since Kara knew the new guy here was to help her, she moves and stands slightly behind him. Again, never once taking her eyes or attention off the drunk guy in front of them.

She hadn't looked at the person who stepped in and kept her gaze onto the drunk dude who didn't get the hint. Since she hasn't looked, she didn't realize that the person who's helping is none other than Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, one of the first Avengers. Though, she wouldn't really care anyways who it was.

"How about you don't get between people's private conversations and let me and this fine piece of meat have our conversation alone" Fred the drunk dude responds back.

'Did he just call me a piece of meat?' Kara asked herself shocked, confused and disgusted by his words. "I'm not a piece of meat," she mumbles out in defense.

Clint shakes his head in shock, but also disgust too, "Not going to happen. Also, she's not a piece of meat" he snapped out. He couldn't believe he had heard him describe someone like that. "How about this, you go with those guys and they will take you back home" he points behind him to the elevator doors where two bigger looking guys stood by.

"Fuck no man. How about you let the chick pick where she wants to go. How about that" he fired back as he got into Clint's face, but then looked at Kara, waiting for her to respond.

Clint kept his ground; not intimidated by this guy whatsoever. He crossed his arms over his chest and took a step towards him too; though the guy didn't see it or care, and had his attention on Kara.

"Dude, I said no already. Here's ME saying it again, no. You want me to say it in another language, HeT" Kara fired out.

Fred the drunk asshole didn't stop and continued on and so did Kara. She was sticking up for herself.

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