𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜

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Entering the base on foot, Y/n listens as Jame states, "This one says he's the leader."

Getting closer to them, Hunk rushes forwards recognizing the man before them, "Whoa, oh! Holy Kalternecker! What are you doing here?" The Yellow paladin gives out a huge smile, clearly excited to be reunited to someone that you hadn't remembered, recalled. "It's me Hunk, remember? The Yellow Paladin?" He urges the Galra man to at least give some gratification of the memory he stored with him.

Only for him to remain quiet. "We worked together," Hunk adds.

The man was harsh, vile even, filled with some sort of hatred. "I remember." The shimmering filled his eyes once again.

Keith and you join at his side, as he questions, "Wait, you know this guy?" You however didn't remember him, there was no memory you had with this man.

Hunk nods, " Yeah, from the Omega Shield. Oh, that's right, you were on a space road trip with your mom. Keith, this is our friend, Lieutenant Lahn."

Lahn cuts in sharply, "It's Warlord Lahn now, and you and I are not friends." His body turns towards him. Hunk frowns, deeply muttering to himself. The Warlord's eyes fell onto you as you went to turn away, "It seems my eyes deceive me." Tilting it to the side he takes in your stature. "Unless of course..."

His words trails making you remember not everyone knows that you're still alive, your name remained alongside Lotor's, dead. Slipping your hands underneath your helmet, you take it off with quick ease revealing your face. One large scar went from just above the arch of her eyebrow before it quickly dipped down into a large healed gash that ended towards the cheekbone going over your eye. This eye now held no color but rather the lack of it, where the shadows had made its home inside of. And another on the other side of your face where it started from your jaw and curved towards your nose where it met that scar. And a tiny one on the edge of your lips that was barely noticeable. Your hair pulled into the naturally dutch braids of your (color).

"Does this mean..."

Raising your head up high, turning it away to look over your shoulder. A face of indifference, you state, "He's dead."

"And you remain unscathed?" Lahn moves closer. "Now how is that possible?"

Eyes filling his as they take in the small meaning of what it means to be a Visha. "I tend to the impossible, Warlord Lahn." Taking a step or two closer to him. Hands clasping in front of you reminding him of your place on the throne, of the crown that was vacant from your head.

Lahn eyes became slit-like watching you cautiously like a cat. "What do you ask of me? To claim victory over us?"

"No." His eyes widened in little shock. "We came to ask you to join the Voltron Coalition. To help provide stability to the universe."

"What's the alternative?"

Y/n finally fully joins his side looking out towards the night shimmering sky. Answering the man's question, "Do you wish to have peace? To end this war? There will be no alternative."

"You attained victory and I accept defeat."

"It doesn't have to be victory or death," Keith brings up. "I know it's the Galra way but-"

Diamond Heart | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [4]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin