𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘: 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎

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𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎

    The freshly new pair of purple and blue were now almost always seen with one another practically stuck at the hips. Y/n watches as the flames burn the outer layer of skin of the meat making it blister and scream in its own whistling agony, sizzling to the perfect temperature.

    Closing her eyes, she could feel the flames give her warmth. Feel as they roared before her, almost touching her skin. She felt the same with what seemed like every dark thing, now. Shadows. Space. Darkness.

    Astraea moves in her seat, daring to call out, "Y/n." Daring to ask, "I thought you two would be together by now."

    Peeling her eyes open, returning to the world that was so effortlessly cruel to her. She matches her own two eyes to a pair of light electric blues that starred and watched with concern. "A heart like mine isn't meant to be shared with a heart like his." You thought and thought to yourself but never really said it outloud. Instead your answer was, "Things change, people change." You give her a soft fake assuring smile, "I mean it's not every day you kill your bat-shit crazy husband with the usage of space and die. And was resurrected..." sighing heavily, she closes her eyes once more, again. The sixth time that day. She just didn't know what to do anymore. Say anymore.

    Lance clamps a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. "Then he's a dumbass who's missing out on that wonderful heart of yours," he states.

    Sliding her eyes into his very brown ones. Once before you would have never thought this goofball, the main fighter pilot that was the leader of the team that was of yours and Hunk and Pidge would ever be this close to you. Then again a team bonds closer than any familiar bonds or ties.

    After a very disastrous first run on placing the right passenger in the right places. You ended up with Kosmo this time around. Him being the only passenger. It would have been Mor too but she wanted to spend more time with Coran and catch up on what she had come to miss.

    Instead of leaving him alone like Allura had, you allowed Kosmo to enter the hangar. You didn't mind the wolf being there. He was intrigued with the area around him, snooped in areas he shouldn't have but pulled away when you gave a sharp whistle.

    Other than that he was good.

    Looking ahead of you, you heard voices, inaudible ones, but voices nonetheless. And these didn't carry the same tone, the same low-whispering soothing pitch that came with your shadows. This was a higher tone, thrumming like beating music. This had to be what space sounded like. It only made sense you heard it when you had come to use it to defeat Lotor.

    Words filling your helmet, "Team, we're going to make a quick stop. Everyone follows me." Keith orders.

    Everyone obeyed, listening to him. "Hailing Zailox Station. Please respond." Krolia spoke in such a monotone. "Repeat Zailox Station. Please respond."

    Static continued to hum through their communication systems. Landing on the chipped off moon, team Voltron made their ways to the door.

    Allura tried to open it with her strength but it shut on her all too quickly before she could grasp a hold of the sides to push it outwards. Y/n pulls out her sword, prying just enough room to lodge the dagger inside, she then summons out her sword forcing the doors open.

    Sliding her hand underneath her sword it forms back to a dagger and she waltzes in like she owned the place. With little to no fear. I mean truly what else did she have to fear? Death?

Diamond Heart | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [4]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant