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My name is Alliana Black. I was born on January twenty third in 3003. I am an Aquarius. As the water bearer of the zodiac, I am truthful, assertive, loyal, I learn from my mistakes and I care deeply for the people I love. But before that, I was a broken shell of myself named Jenni. I grew up in the poorest region of Zodious. My childhood was a painful one. My past was a nightmare that anyone would want to forget. And my original name was screamed at me by the monster I lived with. 

Said monster was my father Jeff. I never understood his hatred toward me. He always said it was because wanted me to be a boy. He still made me do the hard labor around the house, just berated that if I was a boy, the work would've been done faster and he could go back to lazing about. When his brother Jax came to visit, he would stir his anger and sit there as Jeff threw me around like a rag doll. 

Whenever Jeff got the chance, he would hit me. Even when he was in a good mood. Most of my beatings came from protecting my little sister Farah. But my Mama got the worst of it. Somehow, she always stood up to him and wasn't afraid to fight back. She was the strongest and kindest woman I've ever known. 

To protect us further, Mama made a hiding place for me and Farah in our closet. Yet knowing that Jeff would find it eventually, she made a plan of escape. On the eve of my fifteenth birthday, Mama lured Jeff into the cellar and locked the opening. I still remember Jeff pounding on the door. Screaming at the top of his lungs that he's going to kill us when he gets out.

Mama turned to to me and Farah with a worried face. "That won't hold him for long. Jenni, I need you to take your sister to the barn, get in the horses and head to the north." Tears were coming out of my eyes as I two shook my head. "No. No, Mama, we can't leave you here! You must come with us!" I pleaded.

She knelt down to my level and placed her hand on my face in an attempt to console us. "No matter how far or how fast we run, he'll catch us every time. I have to stop him. Right here. Right now. I love you both so much. I swear to the Galaxy, after this, I'll be right behind you" The three of us tightly embraced. I took Farah's hand and we rushed to the barn. Mama tightened her grip on a small dagger. She stood before the door that was about to fall off his hinges. She was ready to slay this monster once and for all.

That was the last time I saw my mother. As Farah and I rode through the black of night, an arrow pierced through the darkness and hit our horses, causing them to throw us off. I landed head first on a tree stump, the force of the fall making me pass out.

When I woke up, I was in the cellar. A chain was holding my ankle down. 

Jeff captured me. my mama didn't win the fight and Farah got shot with his bow. I was now alone. That following week, I don't know how I survived.  I was unconscious for most of it as Jeff never stopped letting his anger out. Blaming me for what he did to Mama and my sister. I never believed him. Now I was no longer afraid. But angry. A fire had grown blazen in my spirit and my will to live kept me alive on the worst days. I had to live on for Mama. I had to escape for Farah. I had to save myself.  

Three weeks into my imprisonment, I managed to find a rusty nail. For hours I sharpened it until Jeff came down. A small disagreement turned into a fight that lead Jeff to get in top of me and place his hands around my throat.   

Little did he know, he was right where I wanted him. With the nail, I plunged it into his neck. As Jeff screamed in agony and got off of me, I snatched the chain key and unlocked my shackles. Before he could even register what was going on, I was already out the door. And I ran. I didn't care if it was in the middle of a blizzard. I didn't care if it was below negative thirty degrees. I ran as fast as my skinny legs could carry me.

All the way to the northern village, just a mile away from the Zodious Castle. Running out of adrenaline, I began to feel the cold. Even though the blizzard began to slow down into a slow flurry, I could barley feel my feet or the tips of my fingers. 

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