Bittersweet Consequence

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Now I knew what Kiara's endgame was. With me being distracted from my duties, she would make Amber believe that she is fit to be Queen. Not a smart game to play little sister. And I was on my way to tell her just that.

And of course Kiara had to have a chain and padlock on her bedroom door. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I melted off the lock and stepped inside. She was gone. With the chilly wind coming through the open window, she must've shifted into some kind of bird and snuck out. When I walked to the window to close it, I noticed something hiding behind the curtain in the corner of my eye.

As I drew the curtain back, I was in shock. There was a syringe and an almost empty bottle of a sleeping drug. I was lost for words. It was Kiara. It was all her. How could she do something so horrendous? 

My train of though was ended when Lynn and Reilly rushed into the room. Panic on thier faces. "We can't find Allie!" They exclaimed. Before I could ask questions, a high pitched scream rang through the open widow. Allie's scream. It came from the docks. We all ran to the sound as fast as we could. Hoping and praying to the galaxy that she wasn't in danger.

Allie's POV

When I woke up, I felt so groggy. When my eyes fluttered open, I wasn't in my room, I was on the docks. I looked around and saw someone I thought I would never see again. Jeff. 

I knew I was having a nightmare. This couldn't be real. He was dead. I saw him die. I pinched myself to wake up but Jeff was still walking towards me. From the waist down I felt numb. The only thing I could do was drag myself away from him. I started yelling for help, screaming for anyone to save me and wake me up from this nightmare.

"Shut your mouth Jenni!"Jeff yelled as he grabbed my throat and lifted me up, choking me. He hovered me over the docks, over the seemingly endless ocean. I tried to fight him off. I tried to raise my voice but Jeff wouldn't listen. He dropped me into the cold water. 

we lived in the farmlands. Not a body of water was remotely close to us. Mama had her hands full with protecting me and Farah, we were never taught how to swim. I began to panic. 

I frantically reached out my hands to grab onto something, anything. I couldn't keep my head above water. Sinking into the dark abyss slowly, my cries for help died down as the water filled my mouth. The fire in my lungs fought to keep me alive, but it was no use. I was drowning. 

I was dying.

Yet before I closed my eyes and took my final breath, a hand grabbed my own and brought me up to the surface. I was laid down on the docks as my savior gave me mouth-to-mouth. I coughed up the water and looked up just to see Natalia staring down at me. Lynn and Reilly were holding back Kiara. She was yelling something I couldn't hear. The last thing I saw was Lynn punching Kiara in the face, rendering her unconscious. 

I almost died tonight, but I didn't. I was saved by my new family. I looked up a Natalia, my love, my light, my savior. I tried to speak but nothing was coming out. I started crying uncontrollably. She held me so tight and tried to whisper soothing words into my ear. I was so afraid and so stressed. Within five minutes, I fainted. 

Natalia's POV

"Allie? Allie!" I shook her, trying in vein to wake her up. 

"Natalia, it's alright. She just passed out." Reilly tried to soothe my worry but it didn't help. Allie was almost as cold as she was the night we met. I picked her up and we ran back to the palace. Once inside, Amber noticed the commotion and rushed to us. "What in the Galaxy's name happened!?"

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