Marry me, Marry me, say yes

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Two weeks had come and gone. Jax' letter became a fleeting memory. The air had become lighter. And so were the spirits of the castle staff as they finalized the preparations. Today had come. August eighth, 3021. Allie and I's wedding day.

The morning sun had begun to shine into my room. Allie wasn't with me as it was Zodious tradition to only see your bride at the alter on the day of your wedding. I gave myself a few minutes to rest but that was tarnished when I was awakened from someone jumping on me. 

"Wake up!" I heard Reilly say. "You're getting married, big sis!" She yelled happily as she was shaking me. Lynn ran in after her. "Reilly, get off of her. You're going to wrinkle your dress." As my eyes fluttered open, I saw that Reilly was wearing her bridesmaid gown. When I questioned her about it, she just smiled slyly. "You could say I'm just wearing it out. Now let's get you ready!" She pulled me out of bed and dragged me into my bathroom. Reilly acts so mature for her age but during this moment, I remembered she was only fifteen.

"This is going to be the greatest day ever. Nothing will go wrong." Reilly said as she began to pin my hair up. I believed her. This was going to be a stupendous  day. I was going to become a wife and a queen in one hour. After Reilly put my hair up Lynn got my wedding gown out of my closet. That's when Amber arrived.

"Hello my little lion." When Amber put her arms around me, she didn't smell like alcohol. "You're not drinking?" I asked. "Not until the reception." She smirked. Amber started to lace me up in my gown. "Look at you. I don't know where the time went. I remember when you were making up dances with Lynn and now you're getting ready to walk down that aisle and become Queen. I'm so proud of you."

"Big sister. There is a time honored tradition where a bride is gifted something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue." Lynn sat me down on my white satin couch. "I'll start. This is your something old." Amber handed me a small box and when I opened it, I took out a small lace shawl.

" Amber handed me a small box and when I opened it, I took out a small lace shawl

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"This shawl was stained and tattered when I adopted you." She then ran her fingers down the sleeve of my gown. "And now you're wearing the finest pearls and satin. This shawl was to remind you of where you came from and how you grew. You became a Princess, a sister, a friend and very soon a wife and Queen. I love you so much, Natalia. Adopting you and Lynn was the best choice I've ever made." She said softly as I tightly embraced her. "I love you too Mother."

Reilly switched seats with Amber and put a jewelry box in my lap. "And now your something new." I opened the box that reveled a necklace. With a golden lion's head hanging down. "It's perfect."


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