"Josh..." Steve started carefully. "Did you... lie to Lucas, or to me, today too?" He asked. Josh looked up, wiping his tears away again. "No, no no no", he quickly started. "I- I didn't, I promise", he said. "So our secrets that we told you you could share with Colin and Fred..." Lucas trailed. "I didn't lie about that, I promise you, please believe me", Josh sniffled. "I- I... Tyler, he- he... I- I didn't lie about anything that's got anything to do with your personal l-lives or- or Tyler's, or any of your secrets that- that you trusted me with, I swear", Josh stuttered.

"I- I- Tyler, he- he asked me s-something earlier, something personal about- about my past", Josh sniffled. "Some- something f-from my past that- that's... that I- I couldn't- I couldn't share", he said. "I- I said something so I- I didn't- I didn't have to answer his question, because I- I wasn't- I'm not ready to- to share that", Josh said. "But I- I didn't mean any harm and- and it's got nothing to do with you Steve or- or you, Lukie, or Tyler either", he sniffled. "I promise it was not. I- I'd never lie about that", he said.

"Oh baby, come here. C'mon, come here", Lucas said as he held his hand out and Josh grabbed it. He guided him to their couch as he moved away from Steve to make room for Josh, who sat down in between them, and Lucas wrapped his arms around Josh.

"You just... weren't ready to share something from your past, so you... lied about the answer to avoid telling him?" He asked. Josh nodded. "I- I didn't- I didn't make up a s-story or something, I just- it was, like 5, maybe 10 words", Josh sniffled. "Oh sweet baby, shh", Lucas gently said. "We got you. You're okay. You're not in any kind of trouble baby", he said, and Steve hugged Josh too. "He's right J, you're okay", Steve said. "we... know what Ty's like, sometimes he... doesn't know when to stop, and then he pushes too far... and you told him a small lie to avoid that", Steve said. "Y-yeah", Josh softly said. "And it- it's not like, like I'm proud of that or s-something", he sniffled. "Oh no baby we know. Everyone makes up a small lie once in a while. It's not like you were trying to deceive him or came up with a whole story that's not true", he said. Josh nodded softly. "And I- I really didn't- didn't mean for it to... to be a big deal", he said as he wiped his eyes.

"It's not", Steve said. "Tyler just... has his own peculiar way of handling these things and it's... not the best way", he said. "He should just... listen to what you have to say and realize that not every lie is a big lie. Not every lie means that someone has deceived you or did it because of mischievous reasons. He of all people should know", he sighed softly.

"Yeah I mean... he's lied to us so many times about so many things and we forgave him each time. We never judged him for that", Lucas said softly. "I didn't think he would... react like this", he said. "Trust is a really big thing for all three of us but this got nothing to do with trust, and everything to do with simply just not being ready to tell someone something, but they feel they can't say that so they feel like they have no choice but to lie. He put you in a tough spot... and he doesn't realize that", he said.

"He- he did, he did realize", Josh softly said. "He... apologized for- for pushing too far and he s-said that he shouldn't- shouldn't have done that... But... When he said that I- I didn't tell him that I- I lied", Josh said. "'Course you didn't, no one would", Steve said. "Not if it's something so small. Ty's gotta understand that", he said. "I think he will if he would... listen", Lucas said.

"Maybe I should go talk to him", he then said. "N-no, I- I'm the one who lied, I should", Josh said. "You didn't do anything wrong, J", Steve said. "We can talk to him too. We're here for you", he added. "T-thank you", Josh softly said. "I- I really appreciate you guys and- and the fact that you still trust me", he sniffled. "But... I- I think I gotta try it m-myself", he said. Lucas nodded softly as he removed some of Josh's curls from his face. "...okay", he said. "Okay baby. Uhm... we'll be here, 'kay? If something's wrong or off... just let us know. We're here for you", he said. "And if he says anything hurtful or mean... let us know okay? 'Cause I'll have a word with him", Steve said. "He needs to realize that you haven't deceived him and you are still so trustworthy. Nothing changed baby, you're still our Joshie", Steve said.

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now