Chapter 16

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Taylor POV

Eyes down, look straight ahead. Eyes down, straight ahead. Hold onto Charlie. Eyes down, straight ahead. I repeated the words like a mantra in my mind as we climbed off the plane. Instantly being bombarded by flashes and shouted questions. "Taylor! How's it feel knowing your girlfriend cheated on you? Will you finally go back to being straight?" I bit my lip hard. Charlie hadn't cheated on me and I was the whole reason that rumor was started. My fault. My fault. It's all my fault. "Charlie! Are you with Taylor for the fame?" "Charlie? Taylor! Is Charlie cutting again?" That's when I couldn't keep quiet, right as I was about to take a breath Tree cut in "Move! Everyone move! Out of the way!" She started yelling, practically shoving paparazzi to the side as I now had Charlie's head buried in my shoulder. Tears were soaking my coat as we speed walked to the car, quickly climbing in. As soon as the door shut I noticed what I hadn't before, Charlie's sleeves were rolled up. You couldn't see too much, given a lot was covered by bandages and bracelets but it was still obvious. "Love...." I said softly, pulling her sleeves down. Though my girl was still crying she was handed her baby carrier to strap in which made her smile a little. "Hi baby." She cooed, though her voice wavered. Charlie strapped Marjorie in and then leaned against me, allowing herself to cry. As she cried into my chest I saw Tree turn and look at me, holding up her phone with a photo of Charlie pulled up where the bandages were very clear. She mouthed "is she self harming?" To which I gave a nod. Tree seemed worried but content with that answer, turning back around. "It's okay Charlie baby. Look at me." I tried gently but all I received was a quiet "no. Everyone knows now." Which made my heart break a little. "Are you worried about Tree and my mom judging you?" I asked quietly, earning a nod. "Baby, they aren't judging you for relapsing. My mom and Tree both understand about the world of mental health. Andrea already knows about your self harm. Tree does too, even if we haven't told her." Attempting to reassure Charlie I got Tree's attention. Once she understood the situation she spoke softly "Charlie? Can you look at me please?" Tree somehow managed to coax Charlie's head out from my chest, looking at my publicist with red rimmed eyes and puffy cheeks. "You know I've known about your self harm for a long while right?" "You have?" Charlie asked quietly. Truth was, Tree had come to me a few weeks after Charlie and I started dating with a small box. Inside it was bandages and other medical supplies with a short note. The note simply read "I saw the marks on Charlie during a rehearsal when I was looking for you. I know what they are, you don't have to explain. Give these to her, no need to tell her who they're from. Make sure she's okay. Charlie's a sweet girl." And Tree's signature. "Yeah. I saw them when you were at a rehearsal. Didn't wanna tell you because I knew you were probably ashamed of them. So I gave Taylor some medical supplies for you. I'm more observant that I let show." Tree explained.

Hi!! Okay anyone know why Taylor switches between calling her mom mom and calling her mom Andrea? I noticed that in the Lover diary I have. Suggestions?? Opinions??


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