Chapter 13

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Hiiiiii!!! Happy chapter 13!!! I'm making this extra long for ya, some angst and some cute bonding for the family

Brief time skip to the next day

Taylor POV

Sitting at my kitchen island I stirred the cereal, trying to get the energy to take a bite. Checking the clock it read 7:13 which made me smile a little, taking a tiny bite and chewing for several minutes. This kept on until 7:30 when Charlie came down, finding me hunched over my bowl, trying not to cry. I just can't do it. "Taylor baby what's wrong?" Charlie asked, Marjorie propped against her shoulder, burping her. "" I replied quietly. "Oh. I knew you were struggling, I just didn't have any idea it was so bad. Does 4 more bites sound good to you?" C suggested, slowly rocking Marjorie to sleep. Giving a small nod of agreement I began to try. Only managing 2 more bites I sighed and dumped the rest, guilt rushing in. "I" my voice faltered "I was wondering, can you tell me about Marjorie? What the birth was like, was she a quiet newborn? What's her middle name?" My girlfriend smiled "The birth was difficult. Long, painful. She cried a lot. The only time she would stop is if I held her and sang or put on a video of you." My baby girl cooed quietly "Her full name? Marjorie Aniyah Hansen-Swift. I gave her a middle name that she could go by if she saw fit. Do you like it?" The little girl's electric blue eye and green eye stared back at me. Her facial features were a perfect mixture of mine and Charlie's somehow, making me wonder who's egg she actually came from. "I love it. Is she-she has Heterochromia? I hadn't noticed before..." the two eye colors just so happened to be Charlie and I's. "She does. She's like a perfect mixture of us. Who knows what egg took. I've never had interest in knowing. She's ours. Biologically or not." Charlie explained, bouncing our baby on her knee. The little girl giggled happily, quiet gurgling sounds escaping. "Her favorite song of yours is Tied Together With a Smile." Tiny hands reached out to me, holding onto my finger. The pair of us began to hum to Marjorie. As soon as we got into the song I saw the little girl's eyes start to flutter shut. "Your tied together with a smile but your comin undone" we both sang, the infant curling up against Charlie's chest. Once we were sure she was asleep I took her to a bassinet in the living room and laid her down. "Are you getting help?" My girlfriend asked and I shrugged. "Some close friends know. Travis, Selena, Blake. And you. I haven't told my therapist. I'm scared. She told me if I got as bad as before again I'd have to go into treatment. I don't want that Char, I can't. You know I can't do that." I pleaded, memories of my therapist and I's conversation flooding through my head.


Looking at my therapist I saw the serious look in her eyes. "Taylor dear your weight drops dangerously low every time you relapse. If it gets so bad you pass out again, I'm gonna have to forcefully send you to treatment." "Understood. It won't happen. I'm trying my best." I told her, tears brimming. Standing up on shaky legs I left the office, not being able to take any more.

"I won't baby. I know you can get better. You've done it before." My ex fiancé reassured. "And you? Your arms, your so skinny too. Are you getting help?" Turning questions around had always been one of my ways to get out of answering in any more depth. Though she'd been smiling gently at me when I asked that her smile immediately faltered. "N-no. I haven't got anyone like you do. You have Blake, and Gracie, Olivia and Sabrina. You have your mom, Selena and Abigail and Travis. You have Jason and Kylie. I have you and your mom." Her green eyes shined with unshed tears. "You have everyone you just listed. I'll tell you what my mom told me. Pick 3 people who can help you. It can be any 3, but not me or my mom. 3 new people. We're building you a support system. Got it?" The green eyed beauty gave a small nod. "Um is Blake.....does she like me? Are we friends?" "Of course. So that's one. 2 more" I said softly and Charlie suggested my backup dancer Sydney and then gave up. "2 is enough baby. I just, I don't really know how to tell them. I mean Sydney already knows. But I don't want her being disappointed in me for relapsing. I promised I wouldn't." C said softly and I reached over, rubbing her back in a comforting manner. "It'll be okay."

Hi! I just don't know what this is😂 it was supposed to have cute fluff but it didn't turn out to. If anyone needs a recap on who tf Sydney is here's one lol. She's a dancer from Taylor's tour (not an OC!!) who in this universe is one of Charlie's close friends. That's about all I even remember, so there may be some inconsistencies. Suggestions? Opinions?


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