Chapter 7

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Taylor POV

"You know how sometimes you and your sisters get sad?" I asked into the phone. "Mhm." "Well, I've been sad." "Oh....why? Mommy says that you don't know why, but there has to be a reason." That made me sigh "well bug, some people get sad a lot. I'm one of those. There's not a reason, and usually not much of a way to fix it unlike when your sad because you have to go to bed or something." James seemed confused "so why'd mommy have to come over?" "When your sad, don't you talk to your mom about it?" "Yeah!" "Well, your moms my friend so she came to talk and make me feel better. Does that make sense love?" "Yeah. Are you gonna be okay aunt Taylor?" The girl asked quietly. "Yeah Hun. I'll be okay." I reassured and we ended the call. I turned to my mom and sighed. I decided to text Travis and explain things to him.
Taylor🎶: hey Trav? Do you have time to talk?
Travis🏈: sure. What's up?
Taylor🎶: this might be easier to do over FaceTime. You good to call?
Travis🏈: give me just a minute, wrapping up an episode of New Heights. I'll call you?
Taylor🎶: kay. No rush.

I tried not to get too nervous as I awaited his phone call. My mother gently detangled my curls with her fingers, comforting me silently. Eventually the phone rang and I sat up, taming my hair a bit and answering. "What's up T?" My friend questioned and I took in a breath. "Um, you know my mental health isn't the best, I wanted to uh, give you details, so you can maybe like me?" I mumbled the last 2 words quietly. Travis nodded, silently telling me to go on. "I have anxiety and depression. I also recently um" I stopped, composing myself "relapsed." I said quietly. The man seemed confused, before realization spread across his face. "Anorexia..." I nodded. "You-when?" I pursed my lips. "I developed an eating disorder in 2014. I've relapsed a few times since. This has been the worst though. The longest..." the last two words were supposed to be inaudible. Travis nodded, seemingly taking in the new information. "Hi Ms. Swift" he greeted my mother, who was going to the kitchen behind me. "Hey Travis." She responded "I'm gonna make you something small, okay Teffy?" I nodded softly. "M-make it small please Momma." I mumbled and she nodded "I will dear." I looked back at Travis as he asked me a question "How can I help?" I shrugged "um....I dunno." I mumbled and heard my mom shout "Travis dear, call Taylor during meals if she's okay with it, check in daily, and just generally be someone she can talk to." "What she said." I agreed. My mom walked in a few seconds later with a small smoothie bowl. Instantly I shook my head "No. I can't Momma." I pleaded, scooting away from her. "You Can Taylor. You need to." I shook my head and when she moved closer my movements had a mind of their own. She gasped when I smacked the bowl out of her hand.

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