Chapter 9

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Charlie POV

I smiled happily as I watched my daughter and her other mom play. "Mama!" Marjorie said pointing to Taylor. The blond's stunning blue eyes filled with tears. "Yeah baby girl, that's me!" She exclaimed with a watery chuckle. "She called me mama!" Taylor said happily and I nodded "your her mama." I repeated back, watching Taylor nod slowly, seemingly absorbing that information. "So'd it go?" I asked, pointing at Tay's phone. "She was being a bitch. When I told her the reason you left the wedding she chilled. She's still a bit pissed but significantly less pissed." I nodded "I royally fucked up when it happened didn't I?" I sighed, tracing the scars and healing cuts on my arms. "It's not your fault Hun, you panicked. Even if Selena is still holding a grudge, I'm not." "That's what matters I know." I said with a small false smile, picking at the scabbed cuts. "No babe, don't do that." Taylor said, moving my hands away. I just nodded sadly and stared into space. "Can I tell you something?" Tay suddenly asked me, playing peek a boo with Marjorie. I nodded "go ahead love." Taylor smiled softly at the pet name before beginning "I um, I spread rumors about you. To TMZ. Tree told me not to, so did everyone else. But after what happened happened, I did. I'm so sorry." Taylor explained quietly, avoiding my eyes. "You....your the one who spread the rumor that I was sleeping with that guy." It clicked in my mind. My girlfriend nodded, guilt reflecting in her stunning blue eyes. Taking a breath I nodded "Tay, put Marjorie into a bassinet and go somewhere else. I need to be alone." My eyes trained to the floor. The words of the TMZ articule repeated in my head. "Slut", "fuck buddy", "whore", "Cheater". Tears sprung into my eyes and I sighed, letting them fall.

Short I know. Happy almost 1k!!!!!! I had a horrible horrible horrible day. Suggestions? Opinions?


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