Stixx and Stone ghost stories

Start from the beginning

You would assume 3 against 1 would be a winning number, but nope.

I should be given an award for working under all this stress. At some point my whole body is just gonna shut down from it. And I personally don't think I want that to happen anytime soon.

Nya dodges one of Morro’s attacks, which shoots directly up to me.

That's not wind.

He's usually Lloyd's energy.

The power struck the machines behind me, “fuck!” I quickly retracted my hands from the painful shock it gave to my hands.

Looking down to the fighting three, Marro glanced at his hands then up to me.

“We'll crash if we don't stabilize the Bounty.” Cole shouts as the ship tilts at an awkward rate.

“yeah?! I'm fucking trying!” Reaching back towards the wheel I held back my sounds of pain fighting through it, as I pulled the wheel up. “Ahhh…”

It's starting to become excruciating at this point.

“Release it!” Morro shouts, a gush of me pushed me off my feet. With no warning I let go of the wheel landing on the ground with a loud ‘thud’

The ship was fully nose down, plummeting towards the ground. My hands started forming blisters already, so I personally don't think I'll be holding that thing anytime soon.

The three make their way in, “Ah! Are you aiming for that mountain?”

“You try touching literal energy with your bare hand! Bare hands!” I growl out to Jay, nursing my hands as well us I could.

The two boys help out with Nya turning on the boosters.

Thanks to them the Bounty barely misses the mountains, dragging against the left outer wall instead.

“Primary thrusters destabilized, better hold on!” Nya shouts.

She said it a bit to late since the change in force threw me against the windshield, breaking it in the process.

Although the moment felt like slow motion, as my body was pulled out from the ship, gravity took its place pulling me to the rough terrain below.

I'm about to die… and I just got back.

This world just doesn't want me to live.

An arm snaked around my waist stopping my deadly descent.

My eyes widen looking up at my savior, “Morro…”

“That's the name, baby, don't wear it out.”

You have to be kidding me?! Not only does he have the fucking staff, he has me!

The ninja suck at their job!

He lifted me up holding me hostage in front of him on the corrupted dragon.

“Don't touch me!”

Morro’s hand snuck into my scalp gently tugging it to force me to look at him, “It's either this or the ground.”

“I'd rather the ground.”

His eyes widened looking at my expression, “Ooh, I think I like you. you're not going ANYWHERE.”


“A biker Tavern?” I ask, yanking my wrist out of Morro's hand.

He stops his pursuit, turning to face me with a glare. I attempted to take a step back but he stopped me, holding the back of my head, lowering his head to my ear, “Don't be stupid here, of anyone finds out about our situation… let's just say they won't be leaving the bar, understand?”

He's threatening the life of others.

My expression fell in defeat, gently nodding in agreement.

In a quick second I jumped back covering my ear from the wet sensation that tried to enter.

“What the hell?!”

“Wanted to see if you tasted good.” Morro chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, “you do.”

This creepy, disgusting bastard!

Walking in, the Bartender looked over to us, “Thirsty?”

“Insatiable.” The ghost takes a drink handed to him, instantly downing it. “Ah, it's been a while.” He let go of me to interrupt a pool game, “Oh, of course.”

The group of guys playing the game made their way up to him, cracking their joints.

Oh gosh, just please don't hurt Lloyd’s face.

“You're a bit young for a place like this, ain't ya?” “Wrong place to come if you ain't got friends, if you know what I mean.”

The plate around his torso blows a bit, summoning another ghost in front of them. “Oh, I have friends.”

The ghost fight the gang, beating them up to a pulp. Even the bartender crouched down to hide from the action happening in his bar.

“Ah, you know where you're going?” The ghost asks Morro, who slips his arm around my shoulder, leading me out.

He chuckles, “I do now. But make sure no one else tries to stop me.”

“Hmm. It'd be my pleasure.” Morro summons his Dragon pulling me onboard in front of him, “Nice ride.”

“Take one of your own.” He comments, taking off.


Morro is so... 😘🤌

Three chapters to go.

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