Chapter Seven: The Jealous Vampire

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Alora wakes up to the sobbing of Rose, she still hasn't gotten over Zeke. It broke her heart to see Rose like this, she sighs and kneels down beside her bed. "Rose, what do you want to do today? We can do anything you want" She smiles, trying to be helpful and make Rose feel better. "well, i just want to stay home.." Rose sobs, her head in her knees.
"Oh come on, Rose. We can't stay home all day.." Alora sighs and stands up, "I'll make some breakfast for us both, you can come into the kitchen when you're ready.

Rose could smell the delightful smell of pancakes, it was her favourite. She wipes her tears and walks into the kitchen. Alora noticed how red and puffy Rose's eyes were, she smiles nicely though. "Are you making pancakes?.." Rose asks with a small smile. Alora nods and turns back to the pan she was making the pancakes in, "Of course! would you like some?" Rose nods eagerly and sits down, she was so happy.

Then, there was a knock on the door. Alora walks up to the door and opens it, Elias and Calix were there! "Hey, we heard what happened" Calix says, peeking inside. "We wanted to make sure Rose was alright"
"Oh, that's perfectly fine! Come in!" Alora smiles sweetly at them both, she moves out of the way to let them pass through, she watches as they walk inside and greet Rose with happy faces.

Rose was having a perfect time!

She was getting better, and didn't look as upset as before.

Although, Alora started to feel a bit worried.. She has been getting close to a Vampire lately, specifically Lorenzo, and she didn't want the same thing happening.

Maybe if she distances herself a bit.. it will be fine...


"Yo, Alora." Elias called, gesturing for her to come closer. As she approaches she raises a brow, "yeah?" She asks, wondering what Elias wants.
"Rose told me you mysteriously came home with a rose one day for valentines, who got you it?" Elias smirks, gosh he was so nosy. "I'm not telling you." Alora says, looking down at him as he sits on the couch.
"Why?" Elias looks a bit offended she isn't telling him.
"Because it's none of your business.." Alora mumbles, turning to the side and walking away. Elias grumbles, he really wanted to know and he won't stop asking, that's for sure. Calix walks up to Alora, he looks serious.

"Let's talk in private." He says, taking her hand and gliding to a more secluded area.
"What do we need to talk about.." She says nervously, looking into his eyes, he looks like he was reading her mind, and it made her scared.
"What's your relationship with Lorenzo?" He asks, staring down at her, "Hm?"
Alora shifts uncomfortably, this was a strange question. "Just a friend?.." She seems a bit confused, "I.. I don't know actually.." Calix nods and looks behind him to make sure nobody's there, Rose walks past but doesn't see them.

"He's a vampire." Calix said, "You better only be friends with him, because you know the consequences."
Alora nods, she did know the consequences, but she found herself falling for him. But it wasn't too late to stop this love, she just needed to find someone else to stop this. "I know, i really do. I've tried but he's just in my mind a lot.. could you help?" She asks.

"Of course, I'll help you." Calix smiles "Now let's go back to Rose, I invited a few others to cheer her up" Alora follows Calix out of the room and walks into the living room to see Amaya, Ruelle and Celeste had come, they were all cheering Rose up. Alora sits in an armchair, it was cozy, she began to fall asleep and drift into a sweet slumber..


Theodore still hadn't arrived yet, what was taking him so long? Alora invited him to cheer up Rose and he hasn't even come, he didn't even text Alora to say anything about it though.
She walks out the front door to go for a walk when she meets Theodore in the lobby.

"Ah, Alora!" Theodore smiles and runs up to her. "I'm sorry i'm late, I just arrived... I got this drink for you." He passes her a carton of apple juice. "It's okay, thanks for the apple juice." She took a sip of the apple juice, it didn't taste like normal apple juice, it had a weird fizzy texture. She began to felt dizzy. "It's working!" Theodore whispers happily, watching Alora look around the room.

'This was unexpected...'

Alora clung to Theodore's arm, she looked like she was in love with him. Theodore grins, "The love potion worked... I thought it was fake." He chuckles and walks with Alora to a more secluded space, he smiles. Alora looks happy enough. "close your eyes sweetheart~" Theodore said with a big smile, She closes her eyes, completely under his spell.

Theodore began to kiss her, he was gentle at first but became aggressive. Although Alora was under a spell, a love spell to be exact, she felt a shiver run down her spine, it felt like someone was watching her.. She ignores it and continues to allow Theodore to aggressively kiss her.

Lorenzo watched from afar, he was completely pissed off. He hated how Alora was letting this happen, he despised it. He walks over to Theodore and yanks him away, "Back off, man." He says, his eyes twitching slightly from pure jealousy. "Theodore! Are you okay??" She seems worried, Lorenzo knew exactly what he had to do.

Theodore throws a punch which gets stopped by Lorenzo's strength, he really didn't have a chance with Alora, and Lorenzo was gonna make sure he won't. "Look away." He commands her, his tone cold and fierce. Once she looks away, Lorenzo grabs Theodore's collar and digs his sharp teeth into his skin. It felt like daggers cutting deep into his skin. Theodore yelps and whines in pain, though Lorenzo doesn't stop, he's putting him in his place.

In a minute, Theodore's blood has already been sucked out like a vacuum cleaner. Lorenzo turns to face Alora, licking the blood off of his lips. He moves close to her. "Don't tell anyone about this." He says, still jealous.

(Small explanation: Every Vampire has unique abilities. Every Vampire will be stronger, faster and smarter than the average human. They can also have abilities like; Teleportation, invisibility, mind-reading and lots more. Every Vampire will have strength, speed and intelligence with some of the other abilities. Some will have 1, some none, some 3 and higher numbers. Lorenzo so happens to be in the category of 36 other abilities -than strength speed and intelligence-.)

Alora shakes her head, "I'm telling everyone about you! You killed my future husband!" She yells, crying hysterically, she still had this love spell attached to her. There was only one other way he could fix this..


Alora wakes up to the sound of Amaya's voice. She was on the cold floor of the lobby. "Wh- why am I here?" She yawns, sitting up.
"Lorenzo was with you! What did he do??" Amaya seemed panicked. Alora thinks for a bit, then remembers. Theodore put some sort of spell into her apple juice that made her fall in love with him, Lorenzo actually saved her, and she was glad he did.

She explains to Amaya about what had happened, and how Lorenzo actually saved her. Amaya sighs. "Theodore is such a pervert, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and I'm also really happy Lorenzo saved you" Amaya smiles. "Wait.. What's your relationship with Lorenzo? He's a wanted Vampire!"
"Oh, uh. I've met him once.. this is the second time.." She lies, "But the day I first met him, i was really tired and forgot my equipment so I didn't kill him.."
Amaya nods understandingly, "Oh okay, anyways, let's get you back up to your apartment, Rose is feeling so much better already!" She smiles and walks with Alora to her apartment.

♡𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz