Chapter Six: The Unexpected Betrayal

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*(Rose's pov)*

Rose wakes up in Zeke's apartment, she was on the couch. Zeke made some Coffee and placed it on the wooden coffee table close to the couch. "hey, Rose, are you alright? You were drunk last night so I took you to my place." Zeke smiles warmly. Rose nodded and scratched her head, she didn't have a headache, but she knew she was definitely drunk last night. "I'm alright, thank you for the coffee, I need it when I wake up" She laughs softly.

Zeke watches as she drinks her coffee, which is a bit strange. "Are you enjoying it?" He asks, looking at her with puppy eyes. "Yeah, I am, why?" Rose asks, confused.
"Oh, It's just that I don't drink coffee so I've never made it before, I just wanted to know if you liked it." He smiles. 'how sweet of him, he's such a good boyfriend' Rose thought.

"I need to go out to Tesco's, it's only down the road from here so I'll be back shortly." He says, kissing Rose's cheek before leaving. Rose couldn't help herself but to snoop around his home as this was the perfect time. Zeke is a lovely man, he's always been and everyone says that about him. She walks into his bathroom to see there was no toilet paper, maybe he ran out and that's what he's going to buy at Tesco's? Maybe. Rose walks out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. The bed looked very neat and tidy, he's good at cleaning, his room was not even the slightest messy, and all that was in there was a rucksack, no suitcases or clothing, just a singular bag, which is a bit strange. Rose ignores it and comes out of his bedroom.

She walks into his office. There were pictures of Vampires on the wall, probably because he was a vampire hunter. She noticed that the computer was still on, she peeked on it to see an email to Amaya it read:

'Dear Amaya, I will not be able to come inside our company for work today, as I am unwell and taking care of my girlfriend that is also a bit sick, I hope you understand -Zeke'

with a reply by Amaya that said:

'Oh, no worries, it's not a problem Zeke!'

Amaya was pretty chill with this all. An open book caught Rose's attention. She turns to it,'A Vampire's Diary' read the title. She opens the book and it basically had all the types of Vampires, what abilities vampires are capable of having and what weapons are best to defend yourself against them, Zeke's such a nerd, Rose's nerd. She walks out of the office, closing the door quietly behind her. She walks into his kitchen. Rose looked through the cabinets as she was hungry, they were all empty.. She then opens the fridge door, there were only bottles of juice and wine in there, nothing special. She closes the fridge door and sat back on the couch, there weren't even batteries in his remote control for the television, what year did this man live in?!


After a while, Zeke arrives carrying 3 bags full of things. "Sorry If i took a long time, there were just a lot of things I needed to get." He says, placing the bags on the counters. Rose nods, understanding and walks over to him. Zeke puts his arm around her shoulders and gives her a kiss, smiling sweetly. Zeke was so funny, kind and lovely! That's all she wanted in a man!

"Zeke, if I may ask, why do you only have wine and juice in your fridge?" Rose asks curiously. Zeke looked a bit worried, so he turned to Rose. "Oh, I just drink a lot of water... I uh, forgot I had that in there." He grimaces nervously. Rose knew he was lying and sighs.
"Zeke, just tell me the truth, It's alright!" Rose says smiling.
"I will tomorrow." Zeke says firmly, walking away. He's never acted like this before.. what's wrong with him?

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