Chapter Three: The Red Rose

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Alora wakes up to the sound of her alarm. Her eyes flutter open as she stretches, Rose's bed was already made and nobody was in it, she must be awake already. She gets out of bed and walks out of the room, Rose has a smile on her face. "Alora, you know how Valentine's day is in a few days?" Rose asks excitedly.
"uh, yeah i do, why?" Alora asked, intrigued by what Rose is trying to say.
"Well, guess what?? Zeke asked me to be his Valentine!!" Rose squeals in excitement. Alora stares at her blankly. "You just met him yesterday though.." She says, confused. Rose looks offended, very offended. "Uh, no? I've known him for ages! We just talked over text!" Rose explains, happily. Alora nods, "oh, my apologies.." She walks back into the bedroom and gets dressed. She walks into the bathroom and brushes her teeth. She looks into the mirror, her pale blue eyes looked a bit frightening when she's just woken up. Alora walks out and gets a bag, "Let's go, we're gonna be late if we don't." She walks past Rose and out the door, Rose catches up quickly though. They cross the road and walk into the company, they scan this card that they were given so the people know they're allowed inside. Rose was so happy the whole way, which made Alora slightly confused..

They reach Amaya's office and enter it, walking up to her desk. She was sat with a surprised look. "Girls, Lorenzo was outside our company last night! How did we not know?!" Amaya seems amazed and confused "We could've killed him!"
Alora was now 100% sure that she saw Lorenzo last night, it had to be him that was looking at her. Rose gets a bouquet of flowers from Zeke, it was cringe as. "Will you be my Valentine??" Zeke asked Rose, in a cringe way.
"Of course Zeke!!" Rose cries with joy, Alora covers her ears, not wanting to hear her squeals. She begins to walk over to Amaya who was on her computer. "Do we have any jobs today?" Alora asks, she could see Rose and Zeke walking over. Amaya looks up at the three, "well, yes, we have a job you three can do. You need to go into the forest nearby, I'm sending 5 others as it can be dangerous from the amount of vampires around. Goodluck!" Amaya goes back on her computer.

The three take the elevator down to the lobby and get into their car. Alora sat in the front as she was the best with a crossbow. Zeke began to drive, it was only 15 minutes away so it shouldn't take that long for them to get there..


Once they arrive, they could see the other 5, 3 males and 2 females. The 2 females looked really happy to have Alora, Rose and Zeke, though the male vampire hunters didn't. She walks towards them, Zeke and Rose following behind. "Who are you three?" Rose and Alora glance at each other, a bit nervous about how stern the man sounds.
"I'm Rose." Rose flicks her blonde hair behind her ear. The man nods and looks at Zeke.
"My name is Zeke." Zeke sounded way too proud, the man nodded and looked towards Alora.
"I'm Alora." She looks at the man. The man had rusty brown eyes and grey hair, which was most likely dyed. The two other men had the same coloured hair, brunette, and one had emerald green eyes, the other had sky blue. The two women had deep, dark brown eyes, the shorter one had luscious, beautiful black hair and the taller one had long, silver grey hair.

"Well, let us introduce ourselves!" Said the woman with the black hair. "I'm Ruelle" Ruelle smiles and looks at the woman with the grey hair. "I'm Celeste." She smiled. The three men all looked at each other before the one with grey hair spoke "I'm Calix." He flashes a kind smile.
"I'm Elias." The one with the green eyes said, she also smiles at us. 
"My name, is the hottest." The sky blue eyed man said, "And it's Theodore." The man smirks at both me and Rose. Ruelle and Celeste just shake their heads with a sigh. Alora stands there awkwardly. "Uh, okay, yeah.." She begins to walk into the forest, Rose following her. The others begin to walk slowly through it. "Let's split up." Ruelle commands, she was a bit bossy. "I'll pick who we all go with." She smiles. "Right so, I'll go with Celeste. Rose can go with Zeke, Calix can go with Elias and Alora can go with Theodore." 
"You've got to be kidding me.." Alora mutters under her breath. Theodore strides towards her with pride. "Where are we going princess?" He asks, his tone of voice flirtatious.
"I have a name, but.." She sighs "So, Theodore we're going that way." She points deeper into the forest, it was dark down there.

Theodore gulps "R- really? Why can't we go.. that way?" He points towards the cars
"no, come on, don't be a wuss." Alora rolls her eyes, she can't believe she's gonna have to put up with this man. Theodore wraps his arms around her arm. "Please can we not go that way?" Theodore pleads, he was such a scaredy cat.
"No, we are going this way, and if you don't like it, you don't have to come.." Alora says, trying to get rid of him. But Theodore gasps and looks shocked. "I'm not leaving you Alora!" He says in a flirty way.

Alora sighs and continues walking into the forest. She finds an abandoned house and walks inside, Theodore was waiting for her outside as he was scared. She walks inside and sees Lorenzo. "Darling, it's nice to see you again." He walks closer and places his hand on Alora's chin to make her face him. "What are you doing in this forest?" He asks, leaning closer "It's only for vampires.. Maybe you want to be one too." His fangs show as he smiles sadistically, this man really liked seeing Alora shy. "I.. I don't.." Alora stammers nervously, fiddling with her fingers. Lorenzo grins. "Oh dear Alora, do not worry, I have a surprise for you darling." He says, handing her a beautiful red rose. She looks up to thank him but he is gone.
"Alora!!" Yelled Theodore. "Why are you taking so long?" Theodore walks inside and sees her holding the rose. "Is that for me-"
"no." Alora says. "I just found it on the windowsill." She says, still keeping her promise of not telling anyone about being near Lorenzo.


When Alora had finished her exploration and given Amaya everything she found, except the Rose, she immediately went to her bedroom. She walks onto the balcony, looking at the rose in her hands. 'why did he give me this?' she thought, though it was very pretty and she likes roses, so she decides to keep it. Alora put it in a glass vase and put it on the side table. "Your welcome darling." She hears the whispers again, she turns around, nobody is there. She sighs and gets into her bed, she was probably just tired.

The only problem was, as she was trying to sleep, she couldn't stop thinking about Lorenzo...


I hope you're enjoying the story so far

i was thinking about giving up on it for a while 😭

please vote if you do like it, i appreciate it 

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