It's not a Sin 🤍🧿

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The Maldives tour of them was nice! As they spent their time exploring the beauty of that country! But for Shubman the best time was when he was with her inside their room! He loved her a lot! He made love to her a lot!!

After spending their vacation! Shubman had to fly to Australia for his test series! Where Sara came back to India!

Almost 2 months passed!

Shubman came back to Mumbai! The first thing he wanted to do was to See Sara!

Shubman was in his car in the parking area of a restaurant! He saw Sara coming towards the car! Sara jumped in the car! And hugged him so tightly!

Shubman broke the hug! His eyes fell on her neck as she was wearing a top! The love bite which he gave her almost 2 months ago in Maldives! It's anyhow fading and getting mixed with her skin but still, it's noticeable!

Shubman - I think my marks from your body are fading away! I need to mark you again! (He said smirking)

Sara blushed and looked away.

Shubman - You look so good in red!

Sara looked at her top which was of pink colour and then looked at him!

Sara - Hey !! It's not red it's pink !!

Shubman - I am not talking about your dress! I am talking about your crimson cheeks!
Sara playfully hit his hands!

Shubman unbuckled his seat belt! And kissed Sara in no time! He started kissing her so harshly biting and chewing her lips!

Sara patted his chest as she was out of breath! He just pinned her hands to the windows! Sara opened her eyes shubman broke the kiss!

Sara was breathing heavily!

Shubman creased his hands on her thighs!
Sara placed her hands on his hands!

Sara- Shubman we are in a public place! (She said rolling her eyes)

Shubman (whispered near her ears ) - I know!

They spent the evening together! Ordering food to their car! And having their time! Shubman kept kissing her from time to time!

He dropped Sara at her home!

Aditi Sara's best friend called her and she picked up the call!

Aditi was telling about her period cramps which she was going through! That's when Sara remembered that she had missed her dates! Also, she was feeling dizzy most of the time and mostly she felt like puking whenever she ate something! She thought it all was normal until she started connecting the dots!
She thought not to waste her time on pregnancy kits It's better to ask her gynecologist!

She went to the hospital and talked with her doctor! As the doctor examined her! Each passing second her heartbeat increased!

And Boom she was pregnant!!!

Doctor- Sara! It's okay!! Talk to your partner! Your parents think about it!! And it's almost 2 months old now! Whatever you want to do, do it a bit fast!! It will be a risk for your health too if you abort it after 3 months don't forget you have PCOS!

Sara was not sure what will she do but the moment she heard about abortion! Killing a child, her child! A motherly wave ran through her mind and heart! What was the child's fault? If she chooses her career then they will do nothing, they will just rip off her baby's leg, hand, and head so simply!

While coming back home in her car she placed her hand on her tummy!
She vowed to herself no matter what she would protect her child from the whole society and world and would love him unconditionally!

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