Devil in disguise

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From childhood to upto now the only nurseries, schools and currently university he went were luxury and private. His parents never were stingy when it comes to his education, his father worked his earnest so he can study the best in comfortable places which could be half of the reason why Galen make sure to never burden his parents with any complaints at all even though he knew in the back of his mind that his parents never once will think his complaints a burden at all still the guilty conscious of Galen from childhood was always strong that he never paid people attention they didn't deserve to stay away from troubles. But there will always be some who seek troubles for some private reasons and those rich people verbally could speak vulgar words to harmed him through words not physically as they had fears of their own which Galen knew what they were of hence he only ever heard bad words thrown to him nothing less, nothing more.

Yet there was always a part inside him that felt anger from the unfair treatment he once in a while got. The rage that surprising he never once used on anyone. Mostly he heard the tales of how rage controlled people but to him, it was the fear that pull the strings to how he act, other half reason why he couldn't be angered. His anger was always suppressed, to the point he wished to be provocated just so he can use it to be angry yet as always fear trap him to suppress the anger within him leading to even be unbothered by passing nasty comments or once in a while envy eyes. It become so normal to him he forget the feeling of being anger.

Until Dareer snapped something inside him. A boiling anger mix with the gulit of being a coward and a reason the alive girl will never be alive again that he for the first time knew how rage controlled people. How the heart beats drums inside the rib cage, how the adrenaline rushes inside his veins to make him feel high, how the mind lose their senses of rationality, how the visions seems bury and fast at the same time and how warm the entire body becomes fuled with rage. The last but not the least how the reality later sinks inside for the stupid decision one make out of anger.

Galen truly didn't knew it was the anger he felt when the moment he read his mind at the hallway. Yes, he knew how the silent anger feels but the blinded violent rage was something foreign to him. Something he seems to be curious about but spite of fear never wanted it. However acting on the anger towards Dareer surely felt pleasant to be honest. He felt little no remorse for the boy that take away bright futures of students he once saw alive.

"What will he do to me now ? what will happen to me ? I won't go to university ! I definitely won't go to university". As the realization sinks in of him punching a confirm serial killer also let the fear crawl all over his body like tiny red ants. Extremely anxiety fills his brain to the brim of imagining his dreadful demise. How pitiful.

He took his phone to check the other students murder when in his gallery he saw a unknown video present at the very top. Confused he clicked onto it to hear the first sound of someone's ripped scream out of a female's voice. The voice was so terrifying and real it startled Galen from the core of his heart who possible got the idea who's it could belonged to.

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