"S-Stop it, Lisa!"

Ms Lisa chuckled and Ms Ningguang continued, asking a few more questions that were answered by other students and a few that were solely from you since they were chemistry-related. Ms Ningguang became more impressed by you as time passed since you happened to answer the most difficult questions that almost nobody else had a clue about, Ms Rosalyne also felt prouder each time you answered but at the same time she couldn't ignore the way Ms Ningguang seemed to focus on you every time you'd answer.

"Alright, that was enough of science, I believe. I'm going to shake things up a little and present a situation to you now." Ms Ningguang declared and opened a slide on the presentation screen which contained a question and a cartoon-ish illustration alongside. 

"The question is, you want to open a pharmacy in your city. What are the preliminary steps you will take for a smooth setup? Now, I want everyone to think and note down what you think should be done when opening a shop of this kind. Perhaps you need to look at the location, your budget, your source of acquiring resources etc etc. You have 10 minutes for this so be quick and all the best. Also, no use of your mobile phones and I would encourage refraining from personal discussions as well."

A few students groaned in annoyance at the hefty task and slumped on their chairs, already giving up and not bothering. Other students took out their notebooks and started jotting down points while some took this as an opportunity to look at their phones and pass time, you too took out a notepad and started pondering then noting some points you could think about. Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye as Ms Ningguang's voice roared in the hall signaling the end of time.

"So, who would like to go first and discuss their points. I expect active participation in this since this is the most important question of this quiz."

Ms Ningguang waited but nobody was really keen to initiate, nor were you since you weren't confident with what you wrote. Ms Ningguang was certainly expecting you to initiate but she had come to observe you weren't really that kind of person, but she was still looking forward to your opinion on the matter. Eventually, one student finally stood up and started speaking. You checked his points with yours and some of them matched while others didn't.

"A good start, thank you. So, we have our location and budgeting details, would others add more to this?"

Your lips trembled and you looked at your notebook, thinking about which point to speak when another student spoke about market research.

"Wonderful, a very crucial point indeed. But there is one particular point that needs to come before that, does any of you have it?~"

Everyone looked here and there and mumbled incoherent things, you finally gathered up the courage and raised your hand.

"Yes, Y/n, will you give me the point I'm looking for?~" Ms Ningguang teased, but using your name was a little unexpected since she hadn't asked for it during the seminar and nobody was aware of the interaction you two had in the morning.

"....I think licensing and legal documentation need to come first since everything else depends on them, especially licensing. Many countries including Teyvat have very specific guidelines for opening a medical store depending on the type of medical store, which can be either individual stores in cities, hospitals stores or even franchise outlets. For a retail store, there is the requirement of a certified pharmacist during working hours. Then a pharmacy license is most crucial and it can only be obtained if the owner or the appointed pharmacists have a degree of pharmacy."

Ms Ninggaung was most impressed by your answer and clapped her hands, "Impressive once again. Then, do you also happen to know a few laws that Teyvat has for pharmacies?"

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