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That night Hazel sat in the library with a history book in front of her as she waited for her boyfriend to pick her up.
He had been getting later recently.
She knew it had something to do with his new secretary.
But for some reason, it didn't hurt.
She turned the page of her book before seeing them.
The ghost riders.
The page was from another book and had been torn out but it was still strange.
She picked up the page and looked at the image.
It was the riders catching something.
She felt the torn edge before gasping as all the lights shut off.
She looked at her watch as she realised that it was already 8 pm.
She had been reading for at least four hours.
She put the book back before walking out of the library.
She walked to her classroom before hearing shuffling.
Hazel looked around before walking to the classroom next to hers.
She looked in the window to see Garrett still at his desk with scientific equipment.
She knocked on the door causing him to look away from the equipment.
He then walked over before opening the door.
You're still here" he said.
"My ride is late," she said.
"Come in," he said.
She looked at him before walking into the room.
"I was reading but the lights turned off.
I was about to get my bags but thought if you're still here why not get to know you a little" she said.
He smirked before sitting back at his desk.
"What would you like to know?" he asked.
"What made you come here?" she asked.
"I transferred here after hearing about the disappearance of the previous physics teacher," he said.
"The longer you stay here the more you realise teachers leave this place very rapidly.
No notice, nothing.
I have been here the longest now.
Me and coach anyway" she said.
"Any theories?" he asked.
"I don't get involved.
I'll get too interested and find things I'm not supposed to.
My grandfather's nurse said that" she said.
He looked at her signalling that he wanted to hear more.
"He used to tell me this story about when he fought in WW2.
About the wild hunt.
It was the only story he told multiple times but the nurses blamed it all on his dementia.
To this day I think they lied because who in their right mind would believe that?" she said.
"I do.
I used to teach a class on supernatural studies.
It didn't last long but it was my favourite class to teach" he said.
What did you teach?" she asked.
"Everything people call unusual," he said.
"I've been wanting to teach my class about everything I know but I know that I will be called crazy by everyone here if I do.
It's hard as there's something out there.
Something we don't notice and it's incredible" she said as she lit up from talking about something she was so passionate about.
"I see why you teach history.
You light up when talking about these things" he said.
She looked at him.
"I'm just happy someone finally wants to listen," she said.
"You said you were waiting for your ride.
When are they coming?" he asked.
"He probably isn't now.
My boyfriend isn't the most faithful man in the world.
I don't live far away so I'll walk" she said.
If it's alright I'll drive you home" he said.
"You don't have to.
This isn't the first time he's done this" she said.
"Then he doesn't deserve you," he said.
She looked at him.
"I should get going.
It was nice talking to you" she said before walking to her classroom.
She got all her things before walking out of the school.
She then walked home not noticing Garrett following her to make sure nothing happened to what belonged to him.

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