Jinki was back at lunchtime with some food for them both.

"Did you settle in well?" he asked, his signature smile on his face.

"Yes, thank you. I read these too." She showed him the flyers.

"Good. Don't feel pressured though, you don't need to do anything right away."

Sophia took his kind words to heart and took her time settling in. Having fled a bad situation a while ago, having a safe space to stay was new to her. Jinki was very helpful during this time. He always had a kind word and a funny joke for her, always accompanied by that sunshine smile. She often thought that if he hadn't decided to become a priest he'd have done just fine advertising toothpaste.

Thanks to his connections, she was able to find a more permanent place to stay and a part-time job to keep herself afloat. As a thank you, she decided to get involved in the charities he was involved in. It also didn't hurt that she got to spend more time with him.

"Sophia!" called Jinki, walking into the church where volunteers were serving food to the needy.

"Jinki." She smiled at him, and it lit up her whole face.

"You're looking well."

He'd been so busy lately that he hadn't had the chance to see her.

"It's all thanks to you." She beamed.

"Don't thank me, thank Him."

He grabbed a ladle to help out and Sophia made space for him beside her. As they worked, Jinki couldn't help but sneak glances at her. Her transformation had been nothing short of miraculous: she'd gone from this timid, broken, skinny girl to a sunny, beaming young woman. It warmed his heart that he could have been there for her when she needed it.

"Father, are you busy tonight?"

"Just call me Jinki, please." He liked it when she did that.

"Jinki, do you have time for dinner?"

He looked surprised. "Dinner? I guess so."

"I've been meaning to invite you for a while, to thank you."

"Oh you don't have to-" he began, but she interrupted.

"Just let me, I want to."

Jinki smiled and nodded, wondering why he suddenly felt elated at the thought of them spending time together.


Sophia picked a fancy restaurant - one she'd been saving up for for a while - to take Jinki to. It was a restaurant where they lit candles for the ambiance.

After chatting for a bit and ordering, Sophia decided to ask something she'd been wondering since she met him.

"Jinki, what made you become a priest?"

He shrugged. "I felt a calling."

"That's it? But what if you wanted to get married or something?"

"I knew what becoming a priest would entail and I was okay with that."

She nodded, processing what he'd said. "It's a shame, I bet you'd make a wonderful partner."

Jinki choked on his chicken just then and turned red.

"I'm so sorry," Sophia apologised, pouring him some water. "I didn't mean to overstep."

"It's okay." He gave her a weak smile when he recovered. "Many people don't understand my choice."

"You do make a great priest though. I mean you're so kind and understanding, and your smile brightens up every room you're in."

"Thank you." Jinki blushed. He didn't think he'd ever been complimented this much in his life.

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