Chapter 22 (Early 1994)

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(the hanson family were walking into The Little Lighthouse cause it was family day with Taylor's class and Walker was happy to leave work for a bit to join the rest of the family for the event) So glad you guys could make it it's great to have all the families joining to see how their kids are doing and have fun. (Mrs. Langley said walking up to Diana,Walker, and Mac and hugged them as the 4 other kids walked off to join Taylor who was sitting at a table with Chloe,Toby, and Alex) Of course we wouldn't miss this we are really happy to join Judy glad to see how Tay's doing. (Diana exclaimed as she smiled and walked over to say hello to the other families while the other three went to join the kids at the table) Hi! (Taylor exclaimed getting up and hugging his parents who hugged him back smiling) Hi buddy what are you guys doing? Ya'll having a lot of fun over here. (Walker asked Taylor as he sat back down in his chair and nodded at them) We are talking about what we are doing in school like our art project that's over there all on the wall. (Chloe said pointing to the wall of paintings as Walker and Diana smiled and Taylor and his friends led the others over to the wall so they could see them and Taylor happily pointed to his and showed his family) That's really good Taylor I love it!! You are like an artist like me!! (Zac said happily jumping up and down and hugging Taylor who smiled and hugged him back. Then Taylor and his friends took all of them on a tour of the school afterwards they all went home except Toby and Chloe who went to Taylor's to hangout for a bit)

:at the Hanson house:

I'll race you!! (Toby said chasing Chloe and Taylor into the backyard while the other kids, Diana, and Walker went inside) You'll never catch me Toby!! (Taylor exclaimed running and climbing up into the treehouse and climbing up into the tree sitting on one of the branches as Toby followed behind them into the treehouse) Jeez you two are fast haha I can't keep up and Zac was right Tay you do climb everything wow I can barely climb halfway to a branch. (Toby joked as Taylor laughed and climbed down off the branch and joined them in the treehouse. They all sat together in the treehouse and talked before running into the house for a snack and to watch tv. After a few hours Walker left with the two of them to take them home while the Hanson kids ate dinner and got ready for bed)


(Diana had already put the girls and Mac in bed and was sitting in the older boys' room trying to get Zac and Taylor to go bed while Isaac watched tv downstairs for another hour) Come on you two goofs lay down it's time to go to sleep. You can act like nuts again tomorrow for as long as you want. (Diana said as Zac climbed into bed and laid down covering up and laughing while Taylor grabbed a couple dinosaurs and ran to the opposite side of the lego table away from Diana who just smiled and shook her head) Come on Taylor sweetie it's time for bed if you want the dinosaurs can sleep in bed too but you gotta lay down. (Diana said walked towards Taylor who smiled and yelled no before running out of the room and down the stairs and headed towards the backyard to go to the treehouse but Isaac stopped him and Walker picked him up as he spit at Isaac and frowned) What's your issue bud? (Walker asked carrying Taylor who kicked at Walker's leg up into Walker and Diana's room where Diana was putting clothes away and stopped when Walker sat down and put Taylor on his lap who had stopped kicking but was now staring at his dinosaurs) I see you caught a wild Taylor haha he must've been a hard catch. (Diana joked as Walker laughed and Taylor just peered up at them laughing and looked at them confused) I had some help from a 13 1/2 year old named Isaac who got a tiny shower of spit from him. Do you wanna explain why that was Tay? (Walker asked Taylor setting him on bed and Taylor looked at him and then at his dinosaurs) No sleep I'm not tired!!! (Taylor said laying back against their bed and shaking his dinosaurs) But you have to sleep you got school tomorrow buddy trust me on weekends we don't mind what time you go to bed but on school nights you have to go to bed when we say so you don't sleep during class. Now come on it's time for bed. (Diana said reaching out her hand to Taylor who sat up with his dinosaurs and jumped off the bed running to his room and climbing over Zac and into bed) Alright goodnight buddy see you in the morning. (Diana said hugging and kissing as Walker did the same and covered him up as the left and turned the light off)

:March 1st 1994:

(Zac and Jessica were running around outside in the driveway while they waited with Isaac for Taylor's bus. As Taylor's bus started coming up the street Zac and Jessica stood next to Isaac until and stopped and Taylor came running off the bus and hugged his siblings and then ran with his siblings up to the house and ran in) Welcome home Taylor did you have a good day? (Diana asked as all the kids ran in and Taylor stopped to hang up his bookbag and jacket and ran to hug his mom) Yes I had a great day! We did division some more and did spelling words. Then Chloe and I helped with the little kids outside!! (Taylor said excitedly as he fell back onto the couch and Zac sat next to him while Isaac and Jessica went upstairs) Wow that seems like a very eventful day I'm glad you had fun. Anyways why don't you two watch tv or something while I go clean up the kitchen and then we'll get ready to go to the studio. (Diana said giving the remote to them and they turned on the tv as she went into the kitchen and cleaned up. After she cleaned up the kitchen and put the clothes in the dryer she got ready and her and all the kids left, she dropped the girls off at dance, and then took the boys to the studio to work on songs) I really think that Boomerang will work well as a title track I mean it just sounds right to me. (Isaac said sitting back on the couch next to Taylor while Zac swiveled around in one of the chairs) If you say so it works for me, I don't really mind what song it is they're all good. (Zac said stopping and leaning back on the chair as Diana watched them and took care of Mac who was asleep in the baby carrier) Alright then it settled Boomerang will be the title and we'll record the song. (The boys recorded the song and some others and then called it a day and went home for dinner)

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