Chapter 6: January to March 1988

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:January 8th 1988:

(It was a Friday afternoon in Virginia and Diana was getting ready to take Taylor to the doctor's to see about his stomach aches) Cmon Taylor!!! (Diana yelled as Taylor came running out from the bedroom and came downstairs and they left for the doctor's)  

:at the doctor's:

So what seems to be wrong with Taylor? (The doctor asked walking in and sitting on her stool with a clipboard and her laptop setting it down on the edge of the bed) 

He has been having these really bad stomach aches after he eats food and we aren't sure what's causing it. 

Ahh ok well let's see what I can do but you might have to take him to a gastroenterologist.

Sounds good. (Diana said sitting closer to the bed while the Doctor had Tay lay down on the bed while she checked his stomach and heartbeat to see if there were any problems but there was nothing except for the presence of pain in his gut causing Tay to sit back up quickly and look at it)

Oh goodness I think we found where the pain is huh. (the doctor said writing something down and then typing it into the computer) Well we know where the pain is but not exactly what's causing it. I am going to write a referral note for the pediatric gastroenterologist at the hospital they are going to have to possibly do an endoscopy to see what's causing the pain cause it seems he has trouble with his digestive system.

Oh alright thank you! (Diana said taking the referral note from the doctor as Taylor jumped down from the bed and put his coat back on and they left for home)

:back at home:

(Taylor and Zac were sitting down on the couch watching The Land Before Time while Isaac and them washed dishes and prepared lunch which were mini tacos and mac n cheese. Isaac stuffed the mini tortillas with meat, cheese, and sour cream while Diana put the mac n cheese in bowls and Walker finished up the dishes and then went to give the other boys their food) Here Taylor and Zac (Walker put their small plates of tacos and bowls of mac n cheese down on their foldable tables as Isaac came out and gave them cups of apple juice) Hope ya like it guys. (Taylor and Zac ate their food then Diana gave Tay some Tylenol to help the pain, within an hour Taylor had fallen asleep and Zac started playing some Mario) Run!!! Yeah!!!! (Zac shouted playing the game) Stop shouting please Zac, Taylor is sleeping. (Diana asked peering out into the living room) Sorry yea I'll stop. (Zac said sitting down and looking over to where Taylor was passed out on the couch cushion with his dinosaur. Zac continued on playing his game for another hour and a half till Taylor woke up then all three boys went out back to play) Run I'ma catch you!!!! (Isaac yelled as he chased Taylor around the yard, Tay laughed at his brother as they ran around) Gotcha!!! There is no escaping Isaac!!! (Isaac exclaimed tackling his little brother to the ground as Zac ran over to them and Taylor just layed there giggling at his brother before getting up and running out the yard) No Taylor don't leave the yard!!! (Isaac said as him and Zac ran after Taylor who was halfway down the block still laughing but started running again down the sidewalk as Zac ran back to get the parents and Isaac ran after Taylor eventually catching him at the corner as Walker came running down the sidewalk with Zac) I'd like to know where you think you were going? (Walker said looking at Taylor who was frowning at the fact he was caught but was looking over across the street, before releasing himself from Isaac's grip and running back towards the house as the other three headed back to the house) 

:March 16th 1988:

Taylor's eloping is getting worse instead of better and it's worrying me. (Diana said sitting in the living room with the Occupational therapist who was working with Taylor on writing words) Completely understandable it's common as far as I've heard for some things get better some things may get worse. I mean I have seen Taylor improve so much in the almost 3 and a half years I worked with him so I have to say I am quite proud. (the therapist said as Taylor attempted to write his name on paper only messing up on the a and y)

 Yes I know I am so proud as well he is doing so much people didn't think he would do and that makes me happy that he proved people wrong. Only big things right now is that he has a visit to a pediatric gastroenterologist to see what's happening with his stomach when he eats. 

Ahh yes hopefully we get that figured out I can tell that he won't eat as much as he usually does and that kind of concerns me a bit. (the therapist said packing the paper and writing utensils back in her bag and got up to head out and go after saying goodbye to Taylor who was upset that she was leaving but eventually he got over it and just went upstairs to play with Zac till noon when Taylor and Diana left for the Children's Hospital to see what's going on with Taylor)

:at the hospital:

(Diana and Taylor checked in to the hospital and got ready for Taylor's endoscopy) Ok lay down here bud. (Diana said helping Taylor up onto the hospital bed, then the doctor came in and checked his blood pressure, heart rate, and his temperature then allowed him to pick a smell for the mask for the anesthesia and then prepared him to go to sleep which was really due to Taylor freaking out a bit but calmed down and slowly fell asleep then the doctors took him back once they were finished) Hi buddy you did so good it only took like 10 minutes. (Diana said giving Taylor a popsicle they brought in for him as a doctor followed with results of the endoscopy) So it seems we have results of the test. (The doctor said sitting down on the chair next to Diana with a red folder of papers) 

Is he ok? 

Yes he'll be fine we found out that Taylor has gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or Acid Reflux which pretty much means that Taylor's body doesn't digest food properly and the acids from food get pushed up into the esophagus causing pain in the chest and stomach and sometimes puking up the food. But we wanna try this medication to see if this helps at all. (the doctor explained handing the red folder and a medication to Diana) Oh thank goodness we will definitely make sure he has the medication and keep an eye on him. (Diana said helping Taylor put his shirt back on and taking the stuff) Sounds good oh and also we found he has slight Anemia and Hypoproteinemia which means he has an iron and protein deficiency so I recommend trying to give him foods that will help him with those) (the doctor said getting up and heading for the door to leave) Sounds good we will definitely do that!! (Diana said as they all left the room and headed their separate ways)

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