Chapter 5

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Rica = Female America's name

(America's pov)

I smacked my alarm clock again as it went off. 'I should probably get a less annoying one.....' I think to myself as I sit up right on the bed. I looked over at my phone, five o'clock exactly.

I groaned but got up from the bed and walked over to my closet. Looking down I'm still a fucking woman. 'God damn, why me?' I ask as I grabbed the binder I wore yesterday.

Going into the bathroom I slipped it on along with the white button-up and black leggings. I tossed the clothes I wore to bed into the hamper. Quickly brushing my teeth, once done I grabbed my hairbrush and took my hair out of the loose braid Hawaii and Alaska did.

I groaned again as I started brushing out my ankle-length hair. 'Why did I grow it out again? Oh right, to preserve my mother's heritage....' I thought to myself with a sigh as I continued brushing it out. Putting it into a high ponytail that I turned into a bun I set the hairbrush down.

I left the bathroom and reached the nightstand, grabbing my phone and slipping it into my pocket along with my sunglasses I left the room and walked down the halls to the office to grab the finished paperwork and to make coffee before leaving.

(Lectwist's pov)

I look over at my alarm and see it's five-thirty exactly. Turning over I notice Rica isn't in the bed with me. 'Must've got up first' I think to myself as I sit up right and grabbed the normal kimono I wore. It's just a plain black one with light blue cherry blossoms and details.

Quickly changing I do all of the necessary morning things and leave the bathroom then bedroom. Making my way downstairs I stopped at the smell of coffee. 'That can mean two things, New York stayed up and didn't sleep or Rica's in there.' I think to myself.

Hopping it's the latter I walk into the kitchen and to my surprise I was right. Quietly grabbing my own coffee mug and filling it up I put two pieces of bread into the toaster. Setting it to one minute before it came back up.

"Meetings at six and we have fifteen-ish minutes." Rica said before looking over at the clock that read five-fourtyfive. I chugged the last bit of my coffee and shoved the toast into my mouth, doing the same to Rica with the other piece.

I wrote down on a note that we'll be leaving for a little and that Confetti's in charge and that I'm joining Rica's little country meeting. Sticking it to the fridge with one of the magnets I slip my shoes on and walk out of the house, Rica following behind me.

Reaching the car I get into the passenger seat, Rica handed me her briefcase that held all of the papers we finished yesterday night.

Starting the car we were off to the meeting.

~Time skip brought to you by Lect's dying phone~

I set my now dead phone into the cup holder for it to charge. Rica parked the car and I looked up at the massive building before me. I then looked over at my wife who just sighed in response. Grabbing her briefcase I held onto she got out of the car. I followed suit.

We walked towards the large building and past the receptionist who simply smiled. I returned her smile with one of my own before catching back up to Rica.

She held the elevator for me and I got in, looking at the elevator wall there was a painting or mural of the two fallen twin towers. I looked at the mural with heavy eyes from the tragic event, two of our kids were to be hospitalized if it weren't for Rica taking their pain from them and being cared for by me because of my medical abilities(Basically, she has the strongest medical unit and capabilities also it is cold as Antarctica in my room right now, I'm under three blankets and I'm still cold, fuck you Ohio weather!).

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