Chapter 2

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(America's pov)

I saw the kids land on the table, SC, NC and SD all passed out on impact. ND was the only one relatively awake but he soon passed out as well. I panicked and rushed over to my kids, ND smiled at me meekly like he was sorry. I grabbed his hand and pulled my phone out, calling Lectwist as Canada called an ambulance.

I didn't care about how the other countries reacted to me anymore, I simply wanted to make sure my kids were okay. Putting Lectwist onto speaker I started to cry.

"America? Honey what happened? Why are you crying!?" She asked me, confused and panicked.

The other countries sounded shocked but I could care less about them. Australia grabbed my phone from me and I held onto my son's hand.

"Hello Mrs. United-Island. It's me, Australia." My sister said to her with politeness in her voice, Canada and New Zealand tried to comfort me the best they could.

"Australia!? What happened!? Why is my husband crying!?" She asked, still panicking and worried.

"The twins are here but they fell onto the meeting table, they're all passed out and I believe SC and NC are bleeding from the head." My sister answered, I hugged Canada and cried into his embrace.

Radio silence was heard on the other end of my phone before a thud and then sprinting.

(Lectwist's pov)

I dropped my phone and slipped my shoes on, sprinting out of the house I expanded my wings and took flight, not caring if anyone saw me by now. My wings carried me through the air, reaching the building quickly I launched myself through the window the meeting is in.

Broken glass lodged itself into my wings, I glanced over the countries and spot my partner and my kids among them. I dash over to America and take them out of Canada's grasp.

"Shhhh.... It's okay, listen to my voice." I said to America, trying to calm them down. "I'm right here, <my love>." I said to them, keeping them in my embrace, closing my wings and wincing as the shards of glass wedged deeper into my wings.

I sat down on the floor with them in my embrace, rubbing circles onto their back and speaking softly to them trying to keep them calm.

(Australia's pov)

I stared at Lectwist in shock when she came tumbling in from the window, immediately spotting America she ran over to them and pulled them into an embrace and out of my brother's arms.

I looked over at the countries who stared in shock at the scene unraveling in front of them, I glanced down at America who fainted from crying and Lectwist who held them in her embrace. Lectwist nodded when she looked up at me. I cleared my  throat, getting the others attention.

"Before anyone asks, this is Lectwist Island, America's wife." I said to the others. "These kids are theirs." I added, pointing to the passed out states on the table.

Japan and Germany rushed over to Lectwist and America, Lectwist used her magic and the two crying countries passed out. She looked over at Canada and Zea, they understood and picked the two up into an embrace, letting them sleep on their shoulders.

"First of all, you mean to say that pig is married and has kids!?" England asked, Lectwist looked angry.

(N/A's pov)

"Call my partner a pig again and I will make sure you don't leave this room alive." Lectwist stated, getting to her feet with America in her arms still sleeping, her voice dripped with venom.

"You're his wife?" China asked, a shiver sent down his spine at Lectwist's words.

Lectwist simply nodded, her wings folding around America to shield the sleeping country. Poland walked over to the two.

"May I remove the glass?" The polish country asked the other country, she nodded in response and he slowly started to remove the glass from the others wings. Pain was evident on her face as the glass was removed, it was slow and careful as to not have her experience much anguish.

The countries stared at the interaction before a deep russian voice came from a country, the others turning their attention to the source.

"You're the lady in my grandfather's painting." The deep voice said, a russian accent coming along with it.

"Ah, Russia. That's you, yes?" Lectwist asked the country, a faint smile crossed her lips.

"да(yes)." The answer came out of the larger country's mouth. A faint chill ran across the other countries.

"к увидеть внука Российской Империи. Я удивлен. (To see the grandson of the Russian Empire. I'm surprised.)" The country said in fluent Russian, surprising the other countries.

"You speak Russian?" The clearly taller country asked, their accent picking up.

The considerably shorter country nodded. "I speak every language, fluent or not." The country said, the other countries stared in shock.

"Every language?" Vietnam asked.

"Đúng(Yes/Correct)." The country responded with a smile and in vietnamese.

Vietnam just had a very happy expression on her face. The other countries were shocked again as they saw the happy country.

(Lectwist's pov)

I looked over at the now empty table, now noticing Canada and Australia had vanished from sight.

"Merde!" I yelled out in French. Noticing the fact I woke up my sleeping wife(America's still a woman Lectwist called her husband since she knew Ame was still in a meeting). ":Go back to sleep.:" I said to her with a smile in Native American since she's half-asleep.

":Okay.:" She responded in Native American, not feeling or noticing the eyes on her.

"To answer your question, Russia." I said to the taller country, America going back to sleep on me. "Я встретил Р.Э. когда я был намного старше его. Я, как говорится, древняя, но, кроме этого, я была ему ближе как мать." (I met R.E. when I was much older than him. I am, as they say, ancient, but besides this, I was closer to him as a mother.)I said to him in Russian so only he would understand me, along with the few that know the language.

He nodded in response, taking that as a good enough answer. I simply smiled, not bone-chillingly but pleased in a way.

"Anyway, I need to get to my kids that are currently in the hospital." I say to them all, picking America up bridal-style, much to the countries surprise that I, a country similarly sized to Japan, could carry the much larger country.

I waltzed out of the room with Zea, Japan and Germany following me. The sleep spell wore off on the two and they weren't happy I forced them to sleep using magic.

I continued the walk to the lobby, once arriving I pushed the doors open and walked over to America's car that she came in today, Japan and Germany waved me bye and went to their own vehicles. 


Lectwist means that R.E never had a parental figure and she took that role for him. Basically saying she's the mom of the friend group.

Word Count: 1115


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