Chapter 1 - Powers

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CW: blood

I first found out about my powers when I was six years old.

I was playing when I tripped and scraped up my leg. As I started crying, I noticed blue light flowing into my wound. When the blue light disappeared, the scrape was gone.

My mother reached me moments after the light disappeared. "You're ok," she told me. "See, you're not even hurt." I was smart enough to not tell her about the blue light.

You see, having magic powers isn't a good thing. Humans hate anyone different from them. They call us "unnaturals". Luckily, my powers are relatively easy to hide. I'm 17 years old and still no one knows. I feel bad for people who can't hide their powers. Hybrids have it the worst. For them, there's a visible difference between them and the rest of society. They can't live anywhere near humans, otherwise they'd end up dead.

I know it's not fair. Nobody chooses to be born with magic powers or with wings or a tail. But humans are never content to accept everyone. If they didn't hate unnaturals, they'd find some other group of people to hate. It's just the way things are.

One morning, I'm walking through my village when I see a few boys from my school walking out of an alley and laughing. I know that can't mean anything good since those boys are bullies at my school.

As soon as I peek into the alleyway, I feel the color drain from my face. A boy with teal hair is lying in a pool of his own blood. He's unconscious and deathly pale. I feel anger bubble up inside me. How can humans be so cruel? This boy has to be an unnatural. Otherwise, those boys would have left him alone.

I creep up to the boy and wince when I step in the puddle of blood, but I kneel down and prepare myself to heal the boy.

As soon as I put my hands on the boys chest and the blue light starts flowing, I feel myself growing lightheaded. This is going to take more out of me than anything else I've healed before. But I don't move, letting my power knit up the boy's wounds.

As the blue light fades, my vision starts to go black. I see the boy stir, and then I pass out.

A/N: Yes, super short, I know, but I'll be adding more later, I promise

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