On the horizon, the sprawling fleet of ships, including destroyers, frigates, cruisers, submarines, carriers, and battleships, painted a formidable picture. The Avenger command class airship, Havana cruiser class starships, Republic class destroyers starships, Congress frigate class starships, La Paz carrier class starships, and the colossal Freedom dreadnought class starship named the Freedom, all stood as symbols of unity and collective strength.

The soldiers, now embarked on the landing boats, awaited the signal to commence the assault. The tension in the air was palpable, but their resolve remained unshaken. The Beaches of Atlas was the frontline, and they were the vanguard determined to push back the encroaching darkness.

The rhythmic hum of engines, the salty scent of the sea, and the distant roar of the fleet all underscored the gravity of the impending battle. As the landing craft cut through the water, they carried not only the weight of the soldiers within but also the hopes of both Remnant and the remains of Earth for a future free from the looming threat.

"70 Seconds Everyone!" The Driver calls out.

Captain Frank Miller, on one of the Boats that is landing on Delata four sector of the designated Golf Beach. he then looks at the Americans and Remnants with a determined look.

"Clear the Murder Holes!" He began as the Sergeants explained what they are going to do. "Five men are a Juicy Target! One Man is a waste of Ammo!" The urgency in his voice resonated through the soldiers, and the atmosphere on the boat became even more focused.

As the landing craft approached the shore, the soldiers braced themselves for the chaos that awaited them on the beachhead. Suddenly, Artillery Fire came from the Beaches, but were almost Silent by the missiles and bombs, almost as if the defenders were taking cover. Less shots have been fired by the defenders, and very few have been it, mostly scratches on the boat.

The soldiers aboard the landing craft maintained their focus, readying themselves for the impending landing. The reduced resistance, at least for the moment, raised a sense of anticipation among the troops. However, each soldier remained vigilant, knowing that the calm before the storm might not last long.

As the landing craft approached the shore, the driver barked out a final countdown. The soldiers, now armed and prepared, steeled themselves for the imminent landing. The atmosphere within the boat was tense, but the resolve of the troops remained unwavering.

"30 Seconds!" the driver announced, his voice cutting through the sounds of distant explosions and gunfire.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, the soldiers geared up, ready to storm the beaches. The driver turned to his fellow crew members, issuing a quick order, "Provide them Covering Fire! This is gonna be hot!"

The soldiers nodded, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. They gripped their weapons tightly, preparing to unleash suppressing fire upon reaching the shore, providing their comrades with some degree of cover during the chaotic initial moments of the assault.

Suddenly, the Nemo landing Craft stops, indicating that they hit the beach, the Driver hesitates just for a moment. 'Please don't be another Omaha.' he thought as he lowers the ramp.

"COVER THEM!" He shouted to his crewmembers to have the need for suppressing fire to shield the troops disembarking onto the beach. The soldiers, driven by a shared purpose and the weight of their mission, rushed forward, navigating the sandy expanse under the protective cover provided by their comrades' gunfire.

The chaos of war unfolded on the shore as soldiers scrambled to secure a foothold, the sound of gunfire and explosions drowning out all other noise. the Fifty-Plasma Cals. open their Barraged, with more Nemos and Martians joining in and disembarking their troops and equipment. The Nazis had their own equipment and started raining down on the American and Remnant Forces, only to cover themselves as Missiles, Bombs, and kinetic and plasma blaze towards them.

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