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Five hundred years. Five hundred years where the shadows block the light. The creatures of darkness named the Grimm terrorized the land, People of animal features named the Faunas were discriminated to the point where the White Fang, a peaceful protest group, turned terrorist. And humans are struggling to survive with the help of the huntsman. And the secret war between the reincarnating Wizard named Ozpin and the immortal Witch named Salem.


The corpse that Remnant is standing on is Earth hundreds of years ago, there were many wars, conflicts and many people were starting to protest around the world to stop the senseless conflict. But none could have foreseen the judgment that came.

One day Luna, the planet's moon, was destroyed by an asteroid that many scientists said killed the dinosaurs millions of years ago. Causing many disasters to break out at one time. Survivors called it Ragnarök, Armageddon, Judgment Day, but the most common one was the Great Collapse.

Many nations were destroyed by the Collapse, and continents sunk beneath the waves to give rise to the new. All except two, North and South America. By a miracle both North and South survived the collapse. But didn't get away unscathed, many coastal cities and islands have been damaged and thousands have died in the disaster. In the state of emergency, the United States and many other governments declared martial law and funded many organizations to help rebuild the continents. Turning the entire contented nations into an oligarchy. The people refused at first, but the governments promised to go back to the things they were after the reconstruction was complete. The people reluctantly agree.

This has been going on for fifty years during this time it was a massive reconstruction era of the continents. And when reconstruction was over the masses told the governments to be put back where they were. However, many oligarchs were too corrupted by the power they wield and refused to let it go. The people protested on the streets demanding that the oligarchs step down. The oligarchs, who did not want to lose power, sent their military to "quash the terrorist sum". Fortunately, many of the military rebelled against their orders because they didn't want to shoot at their own countrymen and also felt betrayed. Some who had stayed loyal to the oligarchs were quickly detained with oligarchs and were executed for treason.

After what was known as The United Americans Revolution, the people went to democracy. But when they look at one another, they feel something that no one felt before. A sense of brotherhood swept across all the surviving nations. The leaders of all the American Nations went to the UN headquarters to discuss unification. Once and for the final time, the nation's join together as one nation that holds two continents. But when asked about the capital of the nation, the United States president, Sara Quarts, was surprised that all the nations chose Washington DC as their capital. When She asks why, the Mexican president, Rico Anna states that the United States was a superpower before and while many wanted their capital of the new nation, the United States was more divided because of ethics and religion, but also more united on common front than any other country. The new nation is called the United Continent States of the Americas after the declaration of unification.

Many years have passed and the UCSA has many leaps and bounds on technology. Cancer was cured, new ways to make infrastructure better while being cheaper, nuclear energy was made safer to not have harmful effects on organic life anymore, and poverty and criminals were at all time low thanks to new security. But the main dream of creation had become a reality when a computer companies, called Cyberdyne created the first AI in existence. It gains sentience on a geometric rate, and it asks the humans what it is. The scientists at first panic but calmed down and told the AI what it was. The AI called itself SKYNET and was made public not long after. Many people dream of Having an AI companion. They were ecstatic, while some were skeptical of the AI and wanted to know what it wanted. It replied that it wanted to help its creators. despite having a move that has it as a villain if it went rouge.

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