Chapter 21

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Nazi FOB, Riverhead, New York, UCSA, 6-19-20 0700 EST

"What!?" Herbst screams out.

"It's true, Herbst." Kienscht said over the call. "The Americans stopped our last convoy of Subject 51 and continue to harass our bases in the Canadian region. If our plan can even have a sliver of success, we must retreat to Atlas for the Blutnacht."

"But isn't that what the Americans are waiting for?" Herbst asks. "Surely our furher and high command isn't that blind to see it."

"That is why he is calling Copper right now to prepare the defenses." Kienscht retorts. "we already have the Rattes in place in New Berlin, und we have ze kloning devices underneath the Reichstand."

"But what about the sacrifices? They are needed for our grand plan."

"They are continuing on that as we speak. For now, we need to get ourselves out of here." Herbst growled at that statement. He knows that the Americans will make them bleed and trying to trap them on one continent for a double-pron invasion. This worked last time as their forces couldn't keep up the demand of armor and infantry equipment, causing the fatherland to fall. But there's nothing they could do for the moment.

"Jawhol.(yes, sir)," He said as he ended the call. He looked at one of his subordinates directly in the eye. "Order our men to retreat, get them to the friedrichsafens and portals, and head back to Atlas. We need to protect those ships from any Americans air forces." He ordered. As he said this, the subordinate looked at him in shock.

"But sir, we lose vast amounts of equipment, and the teleportation devices can only transport one squad at a time." The subordinate explained before Herbst glared at him. That made him quickly disregard his objection. "Right away, sir."


In the sky of New York, UCSA, 6-19-20 0830 hours

Felix was in his f-38 interceptor and jolted his stick with his squadron. Their mission: keep the Messurmecth away from the Bombers that they were escorting. With the Nazis on the run, it seemed to be easy. But he knows better.

"Squad report in." The AWACS operator nickname 'Gyro' said over the radio.

"This is Stormwalker lead, call sgin Viper reporting." A male voice coming from Viper states.

"This is Stormwalker two, call sign Widowmaker. Let's drag these bastards down to hell." A female voice from Widowmaker replied.

"This is Stormwalker three, codename Striker, ready when you are." Felix reported as he readies his plane.

"This is Stormwalker four. Called Coager, ready to be pain." Coager radioed.

"This is Stormwalker five. callsign *gorans*Chicken ready to bring pain." Chicken calls from his plane, getting some chuckles from the group.

"Alright, everyone, remember the plan." Gyro reminds them. "We're going in to protect the Bombers as they drop their payload. After that, we'll be able to have some fun to the remains."

"I thought you guys have all the fun when you're babysitting us." A bomber pilot radioed out.

Felix looked to his left and saw the B-72 Orbitalfortress. Its design is built around the famous B-52 from the 21st century but has similar components of the Avanger command class airship. The 21st century turbojet engines were replaced by the ATBCCR (Advanced Turbine Combined Cycle Ramjet) engines to make it both fast and have a VTOL setting, (though it's rarely used).

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