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Everyone was getting ready for the game while (Y/n) set the game up with the cups filled with the alcohol then once she's finished she put the rest of the bottle on the counter in the kitchen. Walking back over as Alejandro and Keegan were going first.

"Okay go," (Y/n) said as they started the game.

Both of them took a drink from their cups, then try to flip them. This goes on for about a while. Everyone was taking turns for each round till it was now (y/n) and Graves turn. Phillip thinks he got this when they started, but (y/n) was taking this like a pro. She drink and flip, drink and flip, repeatedly till she was to the finished of the end of her cup. Once she was done everyone looked shocked and Graves had to stop and watched her. She looks at them and raised an eyebrow at them.

"What?" she asked as Price laughed.

"You a pro to this game," Price said as she smiles.

"Yup, I love to play alcohol games." She told them as they nodded and take noted at this. "Well, it looks like I won this round. Now, what other games do you guys want to play?" She asked.

"Well, he finished a bottle, so how about spinning the bottle?" Konig asked as everyone was okay with it but they don't want to kiss each other but only to (y/n).

"Sure, but a little spice. Who ever it lands on has to do a dare and if they don't want to do the dare, they have to take one piece of clothing." (y/n) said as everything thinks that's a great idea.

"Alright let's play that game," Ghost said and they grab the bottle and head off to the living room.

Once everyone was in the living room with the bottle, Soap walks in with the other bottle and opens it while taking a swig of it and pass it around. Soap set the empty bottle on the floor and everyone sits in a circle and the game started.

"Alright lady's first." Keegan said as (y/n) smiles and spins the bottle.

The bottle spin around and around till it slows down and landed on Konig as he looks nervously. (Y/n) smiles and looks at him as she can tell he was worried about the dare that she is going to give him.

"Konig, I dare you to kiss on my the cheek." She said as he relaxed and moves over and kisses her on the cheek, then pulls away. "Easy, huh?" she joked.

"No, it's not..." He said and sits back in his spot as everyone was glaring at him.

"Well, your turn." She said as Konig nodded and spin the bottle.

This has gone for hours, and everyone was having fun. Some did some normal dares, and some did dirty dares that chose them. Some cringed, but they laughed at that. Some men were in their boxers and some were still clothes as they are not babies like Ghost, Price, Alejandro and Graves. While Konig and Gaz were in their boxers while Keegan and Soap were shirtless and (y/n) were in her bikini. Everyone was getting drunk when Soap went to get more alcohol from the bar downstairs.

"Alright...last spin!" Gaz said and spin the bottle and it landed on (y/n) as he smirks. "(Y/n) I dare you to dance sexy for us."

Everyone was shocked on what Gaz just said as Price cough on his drink while (y/n) knows she is now only in her bikini and have no other clothes on to take off and she is not ready to show her fully body to them. But save by the bell, there was a loud knock at the door and she got up and head over to the door. Opening at the door, and saw there was a man with some others and they look at her with smirks on their faces.

"So that kid was right, this is the right place," the man said as she look a little scared till Price and Ghost walks over and stood behind her with a glare.

"Can we help you men with something?" Price asked with a little gruff in his voice.

"Yeah, a kid told us that there is a slut live in this house and ready to be fucked." The man said as the others laughed. They look like they are part of a gang of something.

"Sorry, wrong house. This is my girlfriend and my friend's house. Leave or things will go the wrong way for you men." Ghost said with anger in his voice when they said 'slut' and 'ready to be fucked' he knows they are talking about (y/n) while she was blushing when he called her his girlfriend.

"But he told us the address." The other man said as everyone agreed till the rest of the group came to the door and look at the men.

The men look a little scared by their glares as they back away and check on their phones, then look up at them and smile sheepishly. They said wrong house then said sorry and left on as Price shut the door and (Y/n) look a sad and anger.

"I can't believe he is doing this again." She huffed and Konig pulls her into a hug and she hugs back.

"I think we had enough of fun for tonight. Let's all head to bed," Price said, and everyone agreed.

Everyone pitch in and clean up the living room, then head off to bed. Once everyone was in their rooms (y/n) was in her room as she changed into shorts and a tank top as she looks at herself in the mirror. She tears up as she knows it's going to happen all over again and she hugs herself while crying softly as there was a knock at her door and she sniffed and wipes her tears away and walks to the door. Opening the door and there was Price standing there with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey Price, what's up?" (Y/n) asked while putting on a smile as he looks into her eyes.

"I know you were crying. I heard you when I came up to the door not too long ago. I want to make sure you are alright." Price said.

"I just wish Jim won't do this to me..." she said with a crack voice and cried again as Price walks in and shuts the door behind him and pulls her into a hug as she hugs back.

"I know...shh It's going to be alright sweetheart," Price said while holding her and rubbing her back.

"Can you stay here for the night?" She asked with a sniff as Price smiles.

"Of course I can," Price said as she smiles and head to her bed.

Once she was in bed, Price follows and pulls her in while spooning her as she snuggles close. She mumbles night and slowly falls asleep while Price smiles and watched her sleep as he wants to do something for her, maybe go out with the men and find Jim and threaten his life with something. Do something for her to be happy. Ever since he came into this world, he felt like he belongs here and Price can tell that the others think that, too. Plus (Y/n) makes their day happy and loved. Price kissed her forehead and close his eyes while holding her closer to his chest.

"Night love, sweet dreams." Price said as he falls asleep.

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