1 | Dance Better Rap Better

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"Dance better!"

"Rap better!"

The two raven haired boys yanked at each other's collars as their classmates circled around them, eagerly waiting for a fight to break out. The boys were known to argue and fight a lot, but it had never gotten physical before.

Before either of them could do anything, the teacher came back in and broke up the fight just in time for the last bell of the day to ring.

They both humphed dramatically and pushed each other away then went to grab their things from their desks on their way out.

Jisung waited for everyone to leave until it was just Hyunjin and him left. "Oi," he called out.

Hyunjin took a second to think about whether he wanted to respond or not. He sighed and bluntly asked, "what?" without turning to face the younger.

"I think we should just avoid each other from now on," Jisung suggested.

"We have all the same classes, you don't think that would be a little difficult?"

"We'll ignore each other as much as possible," Jisung added.

Another moment of silence before Hyunjin scoffed, his shoulders shrugging as he did so. "Whatever," he said dismissively as he held his backpack over his shoulder and walked away.

The whole time with his back turned to Jisung.

That was the last time the two interacted. Jisung went home that evening to pack his bags and catch a plane to Malaysia with his family.

Jisung curled up in his seat and stared out of the window with tears flooding his eyes. He quickly wiped his eyes with the heels of his hands and chuckled, "Why am I getting emotional? It's only going to a be a few weeks."

It was only meant to be a few weeks for his father's business, but the weeks turned into months and before he knew it, it had been exactly three years since Jisung had been back.

When he landed, he was greeted by his two best friends - Bang Chan and Seo Changbin. The three of them had been producing music together since they were in school together and carried on even while Jisung was abroad.

"Welcome home, kid," Changbin chuckled as he lightly punched the younger's shoulder.

"I'm only a year younger than you," Jisung laughed and looked at Changbin's physique in awe, "Damn, that camera does not do those gains any justice."

Changbin was about to thank Jisung when they heard sniffles coming from besides them. They both slowly turned their heads in sync to see Chan sobbing hysterically.

"M-My son.. is home..." he blubbered.

"I'd hug him but I feel like he'd start wailing like a grieving widow so let's just go before he attracts anymore attention to us," Jisung said in concern, going to lead Chan out whilst Changbin took his things.

"How are the others?" Jisung asked after taking a four and half hour post-11-hour-flight nap and going out for the first time in forever to eat grilled meat with his friends and catchup on everything he had missed while he was away.

Chan side eyed Changbin who looked confused at first but then realised he hadn't mentioned the fact that he had started seeing Jeongin. It was nothing official yet though of course.

Seungmin was about to finish his course to work in law enforcement whilst also doing photography on the side. Guess it was good practice for when he would have to take mugshots.

Minho had become a professional dancer and choreographer. Although it was more dancer and choreographer rather than professional since the guy forgot to show up half the time. He was either sleeping or playing with his cats or (the most common reason) he just couldn't be bothered.

"And Felix," Chan looked out of the restaurant window to a huge digital billboard outside displaying a photo of Felix looking incredible, "Well, he became a pretty famous model."

"That my twin," Jisung cooed in admiration, but his expression soon turned sour when the image changed to a picture of Felix leaning his head in the shoulder a very familiar looking guy with long blonde hair.

"Ah, yeah, Hwang Hyunjin and Felix are a pretty well known duo in the modelling world," Changbin added, "They're always being invited to all these fancy parties and events together."

"The golden princes are hardly seen apart," Chan chuckled as he ate the last piece of meat.

"Hey!" Changbin yelled at him and the two began to argue, but their noise became muffled as Jisung stared at the photo outside.

'The golden princes, huh?'

"Han? You alright?" Chan and Changbin asked, snapping Jisung out of his daze.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," the youngest laughed and waved his hand dismissively.

"You're probably still jet lagged, let's go back to the dorms so you can rest,"

"It's been so long since I've last been here," Jisung said as he reached for the door handle, "You guys had better not changed me room."

"We've not done anything," Chan and Changbin smiled at each other as Jisung slowly opens the door and walks in to see the rest of the friends to looks equally surprised to see him as he was to see them.

"Han!" They all went to greet him one by one.

"Congratulations on whatever it is you have going on with the Incredible Hulk over there," Jisung said as he caught up with Jeongin then moved over to Seungmin who was still in uniform.

"Excuse me, officer, I'd like to report a.. murder," Jisung whispered with a smile as Seungmin glared daggers into him.

"I preferred you over the phone with bad connection," he huffed and walked off.

"Ouch," Jisung laughed, knowing it was all in good fun, when Felix approached him, "There's my little superstar. Did I not always say that you would become a supermodel?"

"No, you always flirted with me in the most creepy and pervy ways possible," Felix laughed and pulled Jisung into a tight hug, shutting his eyes and taking in his scent for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Never leave me alone like that again.." Felix whispered in the crook of Jisung's neck, "I don't think I could handle loosing you again."

"Hey," Jisung rubbed his sunshine's back reassuringly, "You were not alone, you had the boys, right? And I you didn't lose me, I'm here and I'm staying, okay?"

Felix sniffed and nodded his head. Jisung cupped his freckled cheeks in the palms of his warm hands and smiled at him warmly, "I've missed your little stars."

'Those Aussies are really emotional,' Jisung chuckled to himself at the thought as he walked down the hall to use the bathroom.

As he was making his way there, he heard a knock at the door so he went to open in since he was already there.

His smiled faded and he stared at the tall blonde in front of him awkwardly, "Hwang."

"Long time no see, Han."

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