What's an antonym for Abundance, Prosperity, and hope?

Start from the beginning

Ichiro-("Eee-Chi-row") struggled. Just as the doctors imagined from the albino he couldn't even do a fire ball jutsu, much less any other jutsu. And what's an Uchiha without their fire? Hopefully, his little brother Arubino will be nothing like him.

    What about them? The poor things.

       "We had to keep both of the Uchihas birth a secret to the rest of the clan as they both turned out albino and nobody should know of such weaknesses in our clan."

         So, in the end, we stayed hidden my little brother Aru-(Arubino "Ahh-Rue-Bee-No"), and I we weren't allowed to talk to any of the other Uchihas and were constantly training as we were much weaker than the rest. But then again, what was the point? This was no fairytale, but real life, we would be defective regardless of what we do.

Training. No- Torment.

Morning 4:03 AM-

It all started with a "simple" fire ball jutsu" as an older sibling I will always go first. Well, when it comes to this.

      "He's younger. He's gonna need more rest, he doesn't have enough chakra!" I would always protest, but father says that all uchihas should be able to do this no sweat. He's right, though. We should be able to. We were born after a leader, a legend, an absolute beast. Why is it that we inherited none of that?


    I think the both of us are starting to hate weaving handsigns as it's all we've been doing our entire life along with Taijutsu and Genjutsu training just like any other Uchiha. Frankly, it's only bad for us, considering how weak we are, it only means we have to work harder than the rest clearly to no avail. I can barely do a fire ball jutsu, and Aru can't even do one. It's clear we're way behind from the rest, considering how father and mother act with us. I can tell they're trying to be nice about it
Aru can't tell at all.

         He thinks I'm cool for being able to spit out that little amount of fire. Hopefully, if I train harder, it will be at least a normal sized jutsu. But I have to keep the positivity with my little brother if either of our spirits die it'll be the end of our "Ninja Journey". We might as well resort to the only thing we're good at fishing. Our parents love us very much, or at least I would love to believe so. But they do forget about us sometimes. It is reasonable though we don't live with them we live in a distinct area in the Uchiha village.

   As hard to find as it is good thing there's a lake filled with fish as our father did teach us how just incase things like that happened. Which is great considering they forget about us a lot.

"Well they are extremely busy and powerful Uchiha." I assured Aru

"But why? We are their children aren't we? We don't even spend time with them unless it's them giving us food or training," My little brother frowned

He had been questioning them a lot and it seems he doesn't believe that they even care for us at all. They do, they're just very busy. I hope.

Sasuke Uchiha

     Of course we get bored it's only natural. So I guess you could say our best Ninja attribute is how "Sneeky" we are which is surprising you'd think our bright white hair would get in the way of that but we already thought of it and wear large bandanas on our heads. Similar to how some Jonin have their headbands styled to cover their whole head.

needless to say we wanted to see other Uchihas our age regardless of how "Ego-crushing" it was. And Sasuke Uchiha was his name slightly better than most of the rest. The person we looked to (Along with many others) for examples on how to do things and he definitely made us better as we learn more from example and not scrolls. Today we saw him totally wipe out this blonde kid.

       Poor guy didn't stand a chance. But of course he didn't Sasuke is an Uchiha a good one at that. But we both agreed that we're definitely no better. Maybe if the "Lemon head" was calmer he would've landed a hit. We took that into consideration it might make us a little bit better.

Turns out "Lemon boy" is what we call him-(We still don't know his name) is always getting into fights with Sasuke and definitely losing.

       "Damn. No one is on this guy's side. I wonder what Lemon boy did to get everyone to Hate him." I whispered to my little brother while watching the rather humiliating fight.

"He must be a jerk or something everyone is rooting for his ass to get kicked," he responded.

   "I wonder what he did that was so bad,"

      A little more spying to find out that this guy is playing pranks like his life depends on it.

     "Does he want to be class clown that bad or is this out of spite?" Aru joked, we both giggled at the question for a minute then looked as the blonde sneeked? Snuked? Whatever. Out of class what's he doing now? Well, we're hungry so it's time to pack it up. We finished eating then decided to spar for an hour. Then worked on the Ninja attribute that we lacked the most once again. Ninjutsu. I sigh heavily

    "It should be a damn crime for Uchihas not to be good a ninjutsu, we should all be blessed with the power to be good at it," I grumbled while kicking a rock

      "I wish Ichiro, then we would actually have time to do something we want," Aru mumbled half jokingly

   The two of us are so beat. I think I pulled a muscle or seven jesus christ. We both limped to our shack where we called home and threw ourselves onto our "beds"- (two blankets on the wooden floor with a pillow) Which is quite conformable surprisingly.

Amazing sleep until I was awoken by Aru. I overslept.

Once again morning 4:02 AM

       Same old same old. How many days are in a week again? A month again? A year again? What day is it? I think we're both starting to forget. The only thing we know is training. Sasuke is amazing and all but yea we're starting to get bored of it too. To be frank it's annoying he'll do something absolutely Jaw-dropping we'll try to recreate it and flunk. It's so frustrating it's like we'll never get good or be a Ninja. Or even a Genin.

Is this the last time? Morning 4:05

Sasuke has an older brother who is friends with an Uchiha named Shisui. Hell we thought Sasuke was amazing but them. A whole new level. Can they even be compared to Sasuke? That just shows how much we need to work on our selves. Good news it's been a whole two weeks I think since Aru has finally been able to do a fire ball jutsu well kind of a fire ball jutsu it's more like a "Small lighter jutsu" but it's something! My Fire ball jutsu is actually a fire ball now.

But ever time I feel we make progress all I have to do is look a one Uchiha our age and immediately realize it's barely anything. But it's something and that's what counts I guess.

    There was an Uchiha fight? Apparently Itachi got Into a fight with some random guy and cursed our clan? Aside from the standards why would an Uchiha hate their own clan?

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