Part 17 - No answers to questions

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Soon he was in England, He started driving to his home, and whenever he looked at the empty front seat, he imagined Jasmine, but quickly this picture was replaced by another picture, the picture of his blank phone screen with the empty text chat. 

When Steve finally got home, he was very tired. He had been driving almost non stop from 7am till 9pm. 

He took a shower, had some drinks and snacks before going to bed, and also checked phone again, but still no messages. He could not even send a text to Jasmine to tell her that he had arrived safely home. 

'Actually, that should be her texting and asking me if I got home safely.' 

He thought. 

The next day Steve got a phone call from his friend Pierre, 

"Steve? Where are you?" 

"I am home." 

"Oh, your beautiful romantic trip is over?" 

"Yes, I got back yesterday." 

"Oh, okay how was it?" 

"Pierre, you were right, I can't believe it but you were spot on, she was very nice exactly on the last day, but only on the last day." 

"I told you, did you kiss her, or maybe something more?" 

"No, not really." 

"What that mean, not really?" 

"I just kissed her on the cheek to say goodbye,  that's all." 

"Alright, maybe that is just the beginning? Are you going to see her again? Soon?" 

"No, I don't think so." 

"What do you mean, don't think so?" 

"She broke it off with me, she blocked me on the phone, I have no contact with her at all." 

"Oh, I see, ... okay so she had a free ride to Paris, and you were there along, just by accident?"

 Pierre started laughing on the other end of thephone. 

"Steve, but you tried, you answered the challenge, that's what counts." 

"Yes, Pierre, maybe you are right, I guess. I will never know for sure what happened." 

"At least you had good weather, and you ate something good in Paris." 

Steve was smiling. 

"Yes, that's true." 

"I'd better go now Steve, don't do anything silly okay? Like jumping from a bridge into the river, okay? Promise me." 

"Okay, I won't, I will try not to!" 

Steve and Pierre both were laughing. 

"Talk to you soon, bye." 


Towards the end of that week, Steve sent a few more text messages to Jasmine, even knowing that she was not reading them. He apologised to her in those messages, that if he did something wrong or offended her somehow, he was now saying sorry to her. 

He did explain that if he had offended her, he had not been aware of it, and had not done it on purpose. 

Those text messages were not answered for a few weeks. 

And then, about one month after Steve had sent them, he noticed that she had read them; 

the colour of the tick marks at the ends of his messages changed to blue, but she didn't answer. 

Steve decided he would not send any more messages. 

'She is free and has the right to do whatever she wants, I can't force her to do anything, I only cleared myself, told her the truth. That's how happiness is built, it's built on freedom of choice.'

He was thinking. 

Steve did not want to harass her anymore, so those were the last text messages he sent to her. 

I guess it is not my time yet, I have to wait. 

And in that moment, he recalled in his memorythe song, U2 song, 

"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"


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