Part 3 - Trip to Paris maybe?

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Steve was eating bread with butter and smoked salmon on the top. On the salmon he spread an orange mustard which was provided in the salmon packaging. The mustard with orange was in a small plastic container, he cut the top of it with scissors and squeezed it. The salmon was very soft and juicy, while eating he was watched a YouTube video. 

The video was about how chemistry can influence a person's mood and his health. Steve did remember from the movie Homeland which he had watched recently, that there he scene in which Carrie, a main character in the movie, was taking Lithium medication. It was a good example of what chemistry does to a person's life. You are what you eat, Steve was thinking.

 "What we eat is one thing, influencing mood, but what about the weather? Or loneliness, for example? I am sure those can also have a strong influence on the mood, and on our health, overall. Steve was just finishing his sandwich when his Iphone rang, he looked, and it was videocall from Jasmine. 

"Hi! Honey! How are you?" 

"I am good, I finished earlier today, how are you?" 

"I am good, I am eating, actually I've just finished a salmon sandwich. You are calling very early today, Jasmine?" 

"Yes, because I finished and my family is away at the moment," 

"Oh, so you are alone?" 

And Steve blew her a kiss into the camera, Jasmine sent her kiss back, blowing her kiss in the air towards the camera. 

"Are you going to watch some Filipino movies?" 

"Yes, I will watch some." 

"You know, Jasmine, I was thinking, can I come visit you? I'll come in my car, and I will take you, and we could go to Paris? What do you think about that?" 

"Really? Yes, I would love to" 

"Okay, when can I come?" 

"I will talk to my family and find out when I can take a holiday." 

"Okay, Jasmine. When you know, let me know and I'll take some of my holiday from work" 

"And you will come and pick me up in your car?" 


"Where we will sleep?" 

"We will stay in hotels, or in an Airbnb" 

"What is it an Airbnb?" 

"Oh, you don't know? It is almost like a hotel, I will say it's even better than a hotel. Basically, people rent out rooms in their private homes, or sometimes even entire flats or homes. Sometimes, for a very decent price, you can find a very nice, comfortable and clean place. And on top of that, you meet new people, and often you can learn from them about local attractions, shops or other things. You never tried Airbnb?"

"No, I've never tried." 

"I've stayed in many Airbnb places, and mostly I have very good memories. Jasmine, I will look for the Airbnb, and I will send you the link so you can check it for yourself and see what those places looks like, okay? And you will tell me if you like it?" 

"Okay, Steve, send me the links, and I will have a look." 

"Remember, Jasmine, ask your family when you can go for your holiday, please," 

"Okay I will." 

"So, I can book the same days off at my work, and I will come to you." 

"Okay, Steve, see you soon" 

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