Chapter Two

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There's a point in everyone's career where you just give up. You say "this isn't worth it" and quit. Well at "Secoue le en haut" that's everyone's first day. You work on campus around moody college kids over worked, running on 3 hrs of sleep. Unfortunately, that's about as good as it gets for some random American with almost no work experience.

So whenever our rush hits your already shitty pay suddenly turns even worse as you have to do twice the work with the same pay, because what else would you do?

Making the drinks isn't as bad as the people staring at you with dead eyes begging you to go even a second faster as if you can magically will the brewer to go quicker.

Around when it started slowing down I heard it. The hushed whispers, the giggling, and the stutter of our new hire as he gets in line. Without even looking I go ahead an start making the drink before I can even here him order.

"I uh- I saw your new look really good" She mutters. I roll my eyes and turn to see him smiling at her

"Thank you, it means a lot. Um can I get- Oh" His eyes move over to me as I set his drink down and move the new hire to the side to put it in the system. "Um thank y-"


"Oh yes of course" His face is red as he fishes his wallet from his pocket.

"Hey don't be rude! Thats Adrien Agreste" New hire snaps quietly. I have to look down at her name tag for a second before answering.

"Look..Stephanie. I don't know if you've noticed. I know his order. I've had to serve him the same drink almost everyday for about 3 months now. I've done the peppy cheerful customer service bull for long enough, an my god if he HAS EYEBALLS he can look around and see we're packed and just getting this line down. So I don't care if he's Satan coming to spite my soul for making his order 2 degrees to cold, he can deal with it!" Her face is stood in shock an only grows as laughter fills the room.

We turn an Adrien is holding his stomach with one hand an keeping himself up on the counter with the other. "Maybe you need some coffee" He says between giggles trying to calm down.

"Still 5.15" I deadpan on him only making him start up again as he slips me a 10. After making his change he drops it all into the tip jar.

"Thanks, I needed a laugh today" He giggles out grabbing his drink and walking away

"Anytime Satan" He looses it again on his way out and I'm back to making drinks. I have to snap..what's her face. She won't last a week her names not important. I have to make her stop staring and start taking orders again. I can only hope the rest of the shift goes smoothly..


By the time I'd closed up and did all the side work it was almost 11, then the looong walk back home. I was sticky an tired and wanted nothing more than to take a nice bath and chill out at home before I had to go to work tomorrow.

The water was warm an soothed my legs. Only bad thing is shitty apartment, shitty tub. I had just enough room for my legs to lay comfortably in it but my back was growing stiffer my the moment. After all the running I had to do today it was almost worth it. It was cut short though when the reward stopped being worth the pain.

Even swapping an putting my back down in the water didn't help. Now there was nothing to do but lay around in my towel, clothes will not win yet.

I lost track of time doom scrolling my phone and was jolted awake hearing a tap at my window. Green eyes stood at the window, my cheeks reddened as soon as I realized I was still in my towel. I quickly undid the latch raising a brow at the cat. "Can I help you?"

"Yaknow it's getting quite late" He said stepping through the window sitting on the sill

"And what's it to ya? I don't have a bedtime anymore" not sure how I like the stranger in my room but..he's a super hero right?

"Maybe but you shouldn't leave your curtains open. You don't know what kinda pervs there are in this neighborhood" His eyes flick down to my towel an I instinctively pull it down a little trying to cover my legs more.

"What like a peeping cat?" Our eyes met and he turns a bit red immediately breaking eye contact.

"I don't like when you do that" He mumbles putting his face in his hands

"Do what?" I say going to my dresser and grabbing some clothes.

"Look at me like that, it makes me feel weird" I could feel his eyes burning into me. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Yaknow..don't you have a city to save? Instead of being in my room?" I finally turn to look at him. He tenses up, sitting straight and his eyes go wide.

"Oh god yes, I'm-I'm so sorry this is extremely inappropriate, you're not even dressed and I'm just some stranger. Just a dude who broke into your room, I'm sorry!" He shoots up putting his hands on the window ready to hoist himself out.

Before he can get fully out the window I grab him by his tail dragging him back in. A surprised gasp blows through him "Why are you here Chat?" I say stepping closer when he turns towards me.

We're face to face an I can feel his breath quicken. Pink dusts across his face and he looses his words "you can't tell me it's a coincidence the day after we met you just so happen to catch me all alone"

"I-I" His eyes run wild across my face and I feel him trying to move back his legs only hitting the wall but he still leans back almost out the window. I grab him by his bell bringing him in close.

"I want an answer Chat" I say lowly tightening my grip on his collar

"I- can't stop thinking about you" He rambles out. "I see you everyday and you're just-you just always..youre so confident and you know what you want. You take charge like no one can stop you. You're stunning, every bit of you. I feel like I can't breath everytime I see you and it's weird. I've never felt this way before. Even back when I was dating Mar-" His hands shoot over his mouth and his face falls in fear

"You didn't hear that!" He snaps out weakly every bit of him screams that he made a mistake. I'll let him off the hook this time..though he did reveal something interesting..

"Oh I most definitely did. You're slipping up kitty, but I'd much rather talk about the fact that you've been watching me since before we met yesterday" A smile grows across my face "Chat noir. Are you stalking me?"

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