Pack Mentality ✵ 3.3

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Garrison Myers lay on his back, his hospital room filled with the soft glow of the overhead lamp. His eyes remained closed, his chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath. Two shadowy figures stood on either side of his bed, their presence looming in the dimly lit room.

"Open your eyes," Derek commanded, his voice cutting through the quietness of the room. When Myers didn't respond, Derek's tone grew more insistent. "Open your eyes."

Slowly, Myers's eyelids fluttered open, revealing a flicker of annoyance in his gaze as he glanced between Derek and Cali, who stood silently on the other side of the bed.

"Look at me," Derek demanded again, his voice firm.

Myers shifted his gaze toward Derek, his expression hardening with anger.

"What do you remember?" Derek pressed, his eyes narrowing with intensity.

Recognition flashed in Myers's eyes as he weakly murmured Derek's name. "Hale..."

Cali's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Myers's response, her gaze darting between Derek and Myers. Derek's own surprise mirrored hers as he locked eyes with her before turning his attention back to Myers.

"How do you know my name?" Derek's voice was sharp with urgency.

Tears welled up in Myers's eyes as he continued to apologize. "I'm sorry..."

Derek's brow furrowed with confusion, his mind racing with questions. "How do you know my name?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"Cali took a step closer to Myers who only let out a heavy sigh, his head sinking back onto the pillow. "Sorry for what?"

Outside the nurse's station, Melissa gathered her belongings, preparing to leave for the night. 

"Dr. Damon, please," a female voice spoke through the PA system, the announcement echoed through the corridor.

As she passed a fellow nurse, Melissa patted her on the shoulder with a weary smile. "Girl, I am outta here. There's a DVR at home full of unwatched TV waiting to remind me how ridiculously single I really am..."

Just then, an urgent alarm blared from the telemetry monitoring system. Melissa's eyes snapped to the monitor, her heart racing as she assessed the situation. "Rose, call a code! Room one-thirty-seven!" she called out to the nurse nearby.

Without hesitation, Melissa dashed into the room, her breath catching in her throat as she laid eyes on the scene before her. Myers lay motionless in the bed, the telemetry flatlining beside him. Derek and Cali were no where to be seen.

⚲ ARGENT HOUSE, Beacon Hills

The date winding down, Scott escorted Allison to the front door of her house. They paused just before the doorstep, Scott's nerves noticeable as he glanced at her. "So, uh, do you think we could hang out again soon?" he asked, fidgeting with his coat pockets.

Allison's smile was warm and reassuring. "Definitely," she replied, taking a step closer to him.

"But, I have to admit something..." she confessed, her own nerves evident as she looked down briefly before meeting his gaze. "I'm not big on group dates..." 

Scott's relief was evident as he smiled. "I could totally handle more of that," he said, a hint of eagerness in his tone.

Meeting Scott's eyes, Allison's voice lowered as she spoke again. "Great." 

With a gentle lean, Allison initiated a kiss, pausing briefly to gauge Scott's reaction before their lips met. It was a brief but sweet kiss, leaving both of them smiling as Allison turned to head inside. However, before she could reach the door, Scott's hand shot out, grasping her wrist and pulling her back.

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