Heart Monitor ✵ 6.1

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⚲ PARKING GARAGE, Beacon Hills Mall

Scott lugs plastic bags brimming with groceries into a dimly illuminated parking garage. However, after a brief stroll through the rows of cars, he halts. Several puzzled glances reveal his dilemma: he can't remember where he parked.

"Crap," he mutters under his breath.

Hustling forward, he scans from vehicle to vehicle, but confusion still remains. He begins retracing his steps, only to pause once more. Setting the bags down, he fishes out his mother's car keys, raising them and pressing the alarm button in hopes of a reassuring beep.

As he listens closely, a plastic bottle of milk escapes from one of the bags, rolling out of reach beneath a nearby car.

"Dammit," Scott curses, dropping to his knees to retrieve it. Fumbling blindly beneath the car, he's suddenly taken aback when the bottle inexplicably rolls back to him.

Milk spurts onto the pavement, forming a wet white trail from punctured holes in its side. Scott's gaze fixates on the bottle as it rolls to a halt. Tremors coursing through him, he slowly rises, his heart pounding in his chest.

With fear gripping him tightly, he makes a split-second decision and bolts. Each step reverberates against the pavement as he races forward, casting frantic glances over his shoulder.

A dark shape hurtles out from behind a parked car, moving fast on all fours, closing in on him. Scott's breath quickens as he rounds the next corner, ducking into the shadows between columns, his body tensed with anticipation.

Peering out cautiously, he finds only rows of parked cars, the garage now eerily silent save for the thunderous thumping of his own heart. He looks down at his chest, feeling the rapid pulsations reverberating through him.

Struggling to control his breathing, he shuts his eyes, attempting to quieten his racing heart. But his efforts are futile as another sound fills the air - an ominous growl, low and menacing, drawing nearer with each passing second.

Frozen in place, Scott listens intently as the growl approaches, the menacing rumble echoing between the cars. Then, summoning his courage, he bursts out from the shadows once more, darting around another corner, his mind racing with a plan taking shape.

He leaps onto the hood of a car, using it as a springboard to bounce off and propel himself forward. The blaring alarm adds to the chaos as he collides with another car, setting off its alarm too. Scott's movements are frantic, ricocheting off vehicles, the cacophony of beeps and wailing alarms enveloping the parking lot, drowning out his racing heart.

Seeking cover, he squeezes between two cars, hoping to blend into the chaos. All he can hear now are the blaring horns and sirens, his plan seemingly working. But then, a ringing sound interrupts the chaos, emanating from his jacket pocket. Scott retrieves his phone just as something yanks him upwards, lifting him off the ground and slamming him forcefully onto the hood of a car.

It's Derek, his face etched with disappointment as he looms over Scott.

"You're dead!"


Cali and Stiles sat nestled in the plush seats of her cherry red Mustang, the aroma of freshly grilled burgers wafting through the car. They each took leisurely bites, savoring the juicy flavors, while their milkshakes stood tall in the cup holders, promising creamy indulgence with every sip.

Prompted by Cali's empathy for her cousin, who was feeling down after his father's recent injury. With Scott's absence adding to the gloom, Cali decided to lift Stiles' spirits with a casual outing.

Broken Roots ✵ Derek HaleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя