Chapter 10

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Juliana's pov

"Arghhhhh!! I don't want to go to work today"- I groaned.
After last day. I'm pretty much sure I'm done ,I'm fired.
Let's see first I spilled wine on my bosses very expensive shirt then I KISSED HIM!! After that I pushed him away after initiating the kiss myself. I thought if I don't stop I'm gonna regret making out with him but if I get fired today, I'll regret stopping him. If I was gonna get fired anyway why not go all the way.
Yup, I've officially lost my mind. What the hell am I thinking.

I'm so dead.

"Lucy, Nessa"- I said in a low voice.
"Jul what happened why you sound so low? ", Venessa said in a concerned voice.

" You did what??!! ", Lucy screamed
I told them what happened last day.
" I don't know what to do, I'm a dead meat man, what was I thinking ", I whined
" Wait Jul let's see, you said he was drinking right ", Venessa asked.
" Yea"
"So he might be drunk, he probably won't even remember ",Venessa said in an unsure voice.
" Well he might be that's why he kissed me back cause given his huge collection of over the top women I don't think he would kiss me if he was sober" , I said thinking that Vanessa's point might be true. He might be too drunk to consider who he's kissing.
"Jul don't say that you're far better than those women", Lucy said
"Jul just act like nothing happened, and let's just hope he doesn't remember"-Venessa said.
Yes that's what I'm gonna do. I'll just pretend to be completely nonchalant about it.
"Well, I've a secret stash of Toblerone in my lower cabinet if I get fired you guys can have it"- I said sipping my coffee.
" Stop, you're not gonna get fired".
I hope.

Knock Knock*

"Come in"

I walked in trying to keep myself totally normal.
I instantly recited his entire schedule without him even asking.
"Would you like me to make any changes? ", I asked smiling.
He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.
" Miss. Woods where is my coffee and why is there aspirin and detox on my table?"
" Sir, I remember seeing you drinking last night so I assumed you might need it "
" Did you just see me drinking Miss. Woods? ", he asked with a deep voice.
" Yes, I saw you drinking and then I took off after that ", I said confidently.
" Talk to the NAL project team and report back to me with their progress, bring me Hotel Plaza's agreement paper, arrange a meeting with Mr. Richard tomorrow and get me my coffee quick ", he said looking at the documents in his hands as if the previous conversation didn't just happen.
I guess he actually doesn't remember anything, yesss!!! Damn Nessa you are smart bitch.
I was setting up for the meeting in the conference hall. I'm just so glad not to be fired today, that was such a close call. As I was thinking avoid that I my heel got tangled with some floor wire and I was about to fall but I didn't a strong arm stopped me from falling and that arm belonged to my boss.

My hands were on his chest I looked at him he's was again so close to me, my eyes fell on his lips and I remembered the scenes from last day. I unconsciously licked my lips. He  gulped. I came back to my senses and straighten myself.

"Uhh..thank you for saving me from falling, I should go check on the refreshments." I said and quickly turned around to leave.
But I was pulled back to his chest, my back was pressed against his chest.
He lowered his mouth to my ear I could feel his breath on my neck. I froze.

"You cannot always tempt me and leave Miss. Woods", he whispered in a deep seductive  voice it sent chills down to my spine.

The door was opened people were coming in. He left me and smirked looking at me while sitting on his seat. I was flushed I needed a moment to process what he just said.

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