Fang Luman shook her head as the tears streamed down her face. She sobbed in remorse as she listened to her husband.

" At least I own up to my mistakes. I know what I did was wrong and I have no excuses but you....all you do is make excuses. I swear, if Linxue makes it alive, I am taking her back."

" Shut up! You're not taking her any where. Over my dead body!"

Before any of them could say anymore,the ship in the water exploded with a loud bang sending tiny debris into the sky while the flames got even larger. And all anyone could do was look on .


After a few hours, the flames were doused and the police gathered all the survivors. Perhaps because the Xi Patriarch and other influential families were around , the police worked very fast. The were able to get the number of people who were on the boat, those who were missing and unfortunately those who died.

Quan Fumin on the other hand stood on the dock which a blanket over him. He stared the river in front of him, eyes cold while he clutched an opal necklace in his palm tightly. He had been on that ship when it exploded the first time. He had seen Wang Linxue briefly because she arrived on set today and didn't have anytime to chat with her because he had his schedule full and had planned to speak to her when he was done.

But when the ship exploded, he couldn't think about anything else but ensure that she was ok. While everyone was fleeing, he searched the ship and asked around but everyone was in a state of panic. He had reached the back of the ship where the ledge was and what he saw haunted him till now.

" What do you mean she is missing?! Oh my God." He heard a woman sob as she grabbed the police man as if he could do anything for her but police were only human after all.

Quan Fumin stared at her with familiarity. Miss Fang not Mrs Wang, she had introduced. He gazed at Xi Jinwei standing beside her and he could recognize the expression on his face as well and it mirrored his own. He clenched his fists in pain, his heart hammering. He did not know how to break the news to them or if he should or if they should make their own conclusion.

" Miss Fang. " He walked towards them in resignation. He had to do it or they would have their hopes up for nothing.

The police, Fang Luman and Xi Jinwei grandparents stared at him curiously.

The Xi Matriarch asked with a hint of relief, " Quan Fumin, you're here too? Thank God you're ok? Are your parents around?"

"Yes they're here but...I have something to say." He said but his gaze flitted to Xi Jinwei who didn't bother to look at him at all.

" I... I found this on the ship." He presented the opal necklace to them and anyone who knew Wang Linxue would know she always wore this necklace for some unknown reason.

Fang Luman gasped and took the necklace. Xi Jinwei glanced at the object for a moment before he froze.He swiped the necklace from the grip of Fang Luman not caring about etiquette and his hands shook as he stared at it.

He launched himself at Quan Fumin and grabbed his collar pulling him roughly towards him . Quan Fumin flinched and it wasn't only from the action but at the the bloodshot eyes that stared back at him.

" Grandson!" His grandmother scolded but he ignored her.

" He's hurting." He heard his grandfather say in understanding.

" Where did you find this?" He spoke coldly his hands trembling.

" Jinwei...I,"

" Tell me! Please, just tell me." He voice sounded pained at the end as tears brimmed in his eyes. Fang Luman understood what Quan Fumin implied with his silence and broke down crying. The Xi Matriarch hugged the woman into her shoulder's feeling her pain.

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