♥️ Epilogue ♥️

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External Pov

M/n and Floyd had been almost inseparable for the next following nine months together. Some found it cute and others not so much but none of that bothered the two at all. They had actually made amends with Veneer and we got visit and talk to him from time to time. They never needed to testify for his or Velvets arrest since it was all basically caught on live television..
Anyway Floyd and M/n had moved in with Branch in his bunker along with Clay and John Dory. Bruce couldn't exactly move since his family lived on Vacay island but they visited very often. Viva had lead the rest of the "putt putt trolls" to Pop village where everyone could finally relax and live peacefully and it was really nice.
Floyd ended up finding inspiration from the rock trolls and their fashion and often listened to music and dressing up like them alongside M/n. Which had made them very happy for multiple reasons. One, to see how cute he looked, and two because of how personal rock music was to them. Even with such support though, a few of the trolls I pop village were standoffish towards them since m/n wasn't entirely a pop troll and the events from Barbs attempted world domination tour made some trolls a bit nervous around them. Though Poppy did a very good job with educating everyone properly on the situation, even mentioning that M/n was half pop troll themselves. A lot of the younger trolls often asked them questions that they couldn't quite answer. Like "if you and Mister Floyd had an egg would they be all pop?" And "is it true that you can survive in lava" or "are you really also a pop troll?" But M/n took it well. It reminded them of their younger siblings classmates really. Speaking of siblings, M/n had finally reached out to their brother and they had begun to talk regularly within the past couple months. They also spoke with their parents but not nearly as often.

Currently Floyd was talking with John about all of his adventures finding them intriguing, while M/n was helping Poppy and Viva put up decorations. M/n wasn't quite sure what the decorations were for but they had become really close with the two sisters over time. Maybe it was because the sisters reminded them of a relationship they used to yearn for years ago, but now they're finally healing. Even if it takes a while and they still subconsciously gravitate towards similar settings. Once M/n had finally finished setting up the last roll of streamers they jumped out of the tree using their hair to become a ball landing gently. Viva had taught them that, which was pretty cool.
M/n had approached Poppy to ask her about what the decorations were for again in the hopes of getting an answer this time but Poppy just shushed them, pointing. M/n turned to see a ton of Angler busses in the sky. Their mouth fell open for a while, while Poppy just pushed your mouth shut. M/n had taken note that Poppy and Viva had been using the hot air balloon more than any troll would assume was normal but they brushed it off as sisters trying to reconnect after many years of separation, but apparently they had gone to Volcano rock city a few times to organize this.

M/n's Pov

Once the angler busses reached the floor a few meters away, a ton of rock trolls had exited. "What's going on?" You asked while Poppy began to dance on her tip toes. "We're throwing a party! To show everybody that we're all in harmony. I know a few trolls here are nervous around you so I thought this would help." Poppy said excitedly which made you smile, feeling your heart melt a little bit. "Thank you so much" you said gratefully after giving her a hug. Poppy chuckled, releasing you from the hug, soon after turning to see Viva twirling around impatiently. "What's up with her?" You asked curiously, tilting your head a little bit. "Oh, that." Poppy paused giggling "we couldn't tell you because we wanted our trips to Rock city to be a secret but her and Barb really hit it off! They're.." Poppy paused leaning in to whisper to you "dating" she said with a big grin on her face. Your mouth formed an 'o' shape while you watched Viva pounce on Barb. "Sorry I didn't want to say it out loud, I want Viva to tell people on her own" she giggled "but she told me I could tell you after the surprise" she cheered grabbing your hand and leading you forward. You followed along chuckling until you saw some of the other trolls leave the Angler bus. "B/n?" You spoke seeing a familiar troll leave the bus, letting go of Poppy's hand. The troll looked at you and grinned running over to hug you. "It's been a while!" He said while you nodded, hugging back. "It has! Im glad you came today! I wasn't expecting it but it made today even better!" You hummed pulling away "so where's p/o and p/t?" You asked curiously looking around while B/n just shrugged. "They're both here, probably arguing over which jelly bean brand is the best" he joked while you just laughed along a bit confused. Before you could even question it someone rested their head in your shoulder. It made you jump slightly but once you turned you saw bright pink hair, making you relax. "Hey Floy" you smiled resting your head against his. "Hey" he said seemingly comfortable in this currently position "how've you been little bro" Floyd said in a friendly manner making you chuckle. Floyd had been part of many of the calls between you and your bother and they had formed some kind of brotherly bond which made you proud that they both approved of eachother and got along. Oftentimes you found the two of them talking without you about some video game called forge night? Something like that.. anyway while the two talked casually you looked around to see if your parents had exited. When you did you saw one of them pouting while the other smiled proudly. You waved your hand in the air while they perked at your presence, approaching. "M/n! And Floyd! How's our future son in law doing~" p/t joked making you feel flustered. Floyd seemed to feel the same chuckling looking away briefly. "P/t stop teasing them!" P/o scolded while P/t waved their hand dismissively towards the other "you're just upset I was right earlier" they said while P/o rolled their eyes. You looked over at B/n while he sighed "jellybeans" he said flatly while you began to realize that the earlier "joke" wasn't exactly a joke. "Right.." you trailed off looking around "well, this is Pop village!" You said gesturing your arm out to show the rest of the place. "Wow, this is really nice, you grew up here?" P/t asked looking at P/o who shook their head "no, I grew up in the troll tree." They said looking down at Floyd with a smile "so what have you two been up to?" They asked while Floyd kind of froze not expecting to be put on the spot "well- just stuff." He laughed nervously standing up straight, no longer resting on your shoulder. "There has to be more than that! You sound like M/n when we used to ask them how school went" p/o rolled their eyes while you groaned "why am I being made fun of here?" You pouted while the all laughed. You puffed out your cheeks looking away from your family and Floyd, seeing Poppy and Viva hanging out with Queen Barb. Viva was holding hands with Barb who had her hair braided. It was quite cute to see since Barb wasn't usually one to want their hair to be touched. Your attention was brought back to your family when they all began to laugh again. "Huh? What happened?" You asked while Floyd shook his head seemingly embarrassed. "What did you say?" You turned to your family to see them just giggle. "This isn't very fair." You huffed rolling your eyes. "It's nothing. You'll figure it out later. Anyways let's go to the dance floor! I haven't been to a pop party in years!" P/o said dragging P/t with them. You chuckled looking at your brother who shrugged walking after them.

Everyone danced and partied for a long time, some people even fell asleep in bushes.. you and Floyd had helped them get to safer places to rest once everyone finally settled for the day. Tomorrow was going to be an educational meeting hosted by Poppy and you were invited to be a co-host and you agreed, albeit hesitantly. You wanted to overcome your fear and anxiety so this was an opportunity you weren't going to give up.
It had been years since you felt so complete and free and you had no one other than Floyd to thank really. Since the two of you met, he had been there to support you through anything that came your way. So by the end of the day when everyone was heading to their respective destinations to rest, Floyd held you back for a moment. You looked at him confused while he stood there a bit nervously. "So, I wanted to ask you something." He said nervously while you just nodded along urging him to continue. He stood silently for a long moment before he sighed shaking his head. "I know we haven't been together for all that long, but I don't think my life would be complete without you in it.." he paused taking in a deep breath "Since the day we met I knew you were special. From way that you helped me, a complete stranger- to even now, continuing to work hard for yourself and others. I think you're the strongest, smartest, and most spectacular person I've ever met.. and I want your light just like you are mine.. for the rest of my life. So, If you would allow me to be.." Floyd said gently as he lowered himself down onto one knee, pulling out a soft velvety box, opening it to show a pretty f/c flower ring. "will you marry me?" He asked finally while you froze staring down at Floyd shocked, unable to move for a good moment, but once the reality settled in your eyes watered as you pounced on him. "Yes! Of course I will! Yes!" You said kissing along Floyd's cheeks while he finally relaxed he shoulders, smiling excessively. The dim night became extremely bright as the lights turned on and every troll in the vicinity cheered. You looked around surprised not quite processing what was happening but still feeling overjoyed. "Congratulations!!!" Poppy cheered running up to you and Floyd. His brothers joining soon after. "Great job little bro!" John smiled punching his shoulder lightheartedly. Clay chuckled nodding approvingly while Bruce smiled. "If you ever have kids I can babysit" Bruce offered proudly. He really did love being a dad. "Hey! No fair! I want to babysit!" Poppy whined while Bruce put his hands up laughing. "Woah guys hold on-" Floyd laughed "we just got engaged! Kids haven't even been a thought yet." He said chuckling nervously "plus I don't think I'm ready to mess my hair up with an egg.." he said patting the top of his head gingerly, making you giggle. The giggles didn't seem to stop though as you flopped into the floor like a starfish. Everything seemed to be going in the right direction and nothing could make you happier. Your life felt so complete with Floyd and he felt the same way about you. He slid on the ring, laying down beside you smiling with a sigh while you just giggled. This was how it was supposed to be. Everything was

|| WAHHH THATS THE END!!! Finished off w the longest chapter I've written so far! With over 2000 words :D! I want to take a moment to thank every single one of you who took the time to read my story. It really means a lot to me. Without you all I would never have continued writing as much as I did. So I owe it all to you for the completion of my first fanfiction! I hope the ending was good, and that it covered enough for you to visualize some of the ideas that I was trying to portray, but aside from that, again. Thank you. I hope every single one of you have an amazing day, week, month, year, etc. <3 ||

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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