17. ♥️

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M/n's Pov

"Hey! What are you doing!" You called seeing some hair stuck up from the basket. You were not super surprised to see Creek. "Hey! Sorry we just needed a ride!" Creek said with a grin, while your sister peeked over. "You've got to be kidding me." You groaned rubbing your temples.
"You can join us if you want cutie! I was never a big fan of Brozone but I'm definitely a fan of you!" Creek yelled to Floyd making you seethe "Say another word and I will be aggressive like you've been pretending I was!" You yell using your hair to grip onto the hot air balloon. "I've been as civil I can with you, but you keep testing me. Floyd is with ME. So you can stop your pathetic-" you paused momentarily pulling the hot air balloon down a bit "little-" pulled it down again. "Act!" You yelled yanking the basket into the ground breaking parts of the floor with the crash. You were breathing heavily as you let the basket go stomping up to Creek using your pointer finger, shoving it into his chest while you spoke "you act like you are some perfect saint, but last time I've heard, NOBODY likes you. Well, I mean my sister does" you paused looking over at her "but that really doesn't help your case much does it? Not even she would defend your sorry ass. So, get. out. Now." You glared using your finger to shove Creek back. Creek stumbled staring at you with a bewildered expression before turning around and shuffling out of the balloon. Your sister looking back and forth before gasping and tripping trying to catch up to Creek. "Match made in hell" you sighed looking at the floor of the basket, with a frown. "Uh, sorry about, you know, that.." you said nervously at the broken pieces. Poppy shook her head smiling at you "no it's okay! It's better broken than gone forever!" She smiled grabbing some pieces trying to put it back together, Branch helping her, finding an effective way to stick it back together. Floyd on the other hand just stood staring at you with a flustered look on his face. You walked up to him slowly tilting your head "is everything okay?" You asked as you stood in front of him. He nodded gulping after he finally focused and looked you in your eyes "yeah I- I uh," he stammered looking off to the side. "You..?" You said urging him to keep talking "I just, really liked how you told Creek off" he said blushing scratching the back of his head with a silly smile on his face. You chuckled smiling too. "You liked how I fought for you?" You teased while Floyd nodded gently. You smiled squishing Floyd's cheeks playfully "so cute" you cooed before you jumped at someone tapping your shoulder. "I don't mean to interrupt or anything.. but we fixed the flooring." Branch said giving Floyd a look, teasing him. Floyd puffed his cheeks when you let go, to get into the balloon. Once you got in you leaned over the side groaning "I really need a vacation." You huffed, but you weren't given any more time to complain when Poppy suddenly appeared beside you. "That's perfect then! Because we're heading to Vacay island! Where Bruce lives!" You looked over a Poppy a bit puzzled but nodded. "Well it sounds cool! How far are we? You asked while she shrugged "I don't know, Branch has the map." She giggled flopping down to sit beside you. "So! I heard from a certain someone that you don't know how to braid hair!" She giggled making you look at her confused then over at Floyd and Branch who were climbing into the basket. "Uhm yeah, I don't. I tried not too long ago and failed." You said sheepishly. "I can teach you if you want!" She grinned looking like she was about to burst with energy. You laughed nodding agreeing to being given the chance to learn how to properly braid "sure! I feel like it could be fun to learn" you said while Poppy clapped her hands and began braiding explaining what and how she was doing it.

It had been maybe an hour and a half? Two hours? You didn't know but you had learned a lot from Poppy. She taught you different styles of braiding! You didn't even know there were more than one.. but unfortunately the two of you had to stop as the basket was landing. "Man.. I almost had the fishtail down!" You whined while Poppy laughed "well... not quite but almost!" She said standing up. You hummed getting up too walking over to where branch and Floyd had gotten off, sliding off of the side into some sand. You cringed a bit but brushed it off following after where Floyd and Branch had gone. "Cmon Poppy!" You called to Poppy who was quite a bit behind you.
Poppy ran with you smiling grabbing your hand and making you run with her to catch up the the others. You laughed with her almost tripping in the sand a couple times not used to the loose surface.
Once inside you saw a bunch of different creatures.. not trolls but huge! They seemed pretty cool but you hadn't talked to any them yet so you wouldn't judge any of em yet. Poppy pulled you along since you slowed down to look around at the new place curiously. She lead you to some backstage place where some new sparkly trolls and the rest of the brothers were currently talking to each other. Poppy let you go to go find Branch, gasping seeing that he had frosted tips.. 'when did that happen..' "There they are! Glad to see you're doing alright!" The troll you recognized as John Dory said to you. You smiled and nodded "yeah! I am doing a whole lot better!" You said cheerfully while he just nodded approvingly while his brothers approached you too. You kind of froze momentarily looking at them all as they smiled at you "so you and Floyd huh? I mean it was kind of obvious but Branch here has been telling us about how you two can't seem to separate from each other" Bruce laughed light heartedly making you laugh nervously. "Ahaha.. yeah-" you were cut off by Floyd pulling you back with an arm around your shoulders. "Hey leave them alone! We just enjoy each other's company." He defended making you giggle looking up at Floyd's face from where you stood beside him. "You enjoy eachother differently though" Clay laughed winking making you roll your eyes. "Yeah whatever" you smiled kissing Floyd's cheek making him freeze blushing in front of everybody. You and Floyd's brothers laughed at his reaction before Branch had introduced his former band members. "We have a performance to get to guys! See you out there" he smiled leading his group also known as Kismet out to the stage while the rest of you went to watch in the crowd.

|| Word Count: 1215!! I've written the past three chapters during the Super Bowl (I don't care enough to watch it but I would be shamed if I didn't LOL) anyway I'm back on schedule!! :33 be prepared for the end soon my sillies||

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