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(Art by @/Zendr3_ on twt!)

M/n's Pov

After everything was dealt with, all the trolls were invited into Rhonda, a really cool armadillo bus. You had seen her a few times but you didn't quite know what she was. It was a bit cramped inside this bus, but it was still fun being out with other trolls instead of mostly isolated with Floyd. Though you still wanted to be with Floyd alone some times. At the moment you were sitting by the front watching the road and scenery while a small silver glittery troll was ranting to you about how being a baby can be annoying but he would rather do that for the time being. His name was Tiny Diamond which was quite cute in your opinion but you didn't want to patronize the little guy so you didn't mention it. You listened to his rant, nodding along and humming when necessary. After long you guys had finally arrived to pop village and exited the bus, happy to be somewhere new. You were born in volcano rock city so pop village was a new sight to you. Sure you didn't actively live in volcano rock city, and you knew of pop trolls, but you had never seen such a bright place like this before. You wandered around in awe, stumbling around slightly as you didn't have all of your strength back. "Woah, it's so bright here.." you muttered looking around curiously. Poppy grinned skipping up to you grabbing your hands and pulling you forward "let's go! I'll get you the world map" she grinned pulling you along as she ran energetically, making you trip over yourself as you didn't have the best balance in your current state. "Woah, wait- I can't keep up right now!" You muttered as she pulled you to a room and sat you down. You sighed once you were finally resting, waiting for Poppy to return. When she did, she had a paper with her, and she spread it out on the table. Before she could speak a knock was heard in the doorway. "Hey! We just wanted to be here to help." Branch said, as Floyd waved from beside him. You grinned brightly upon seeing Floyd, sitting up slightly "Floyd!" You cheered while Poppy waved for the two to join them at the table. While Poppy spread out the paper neatly she spoke "okay so I'm assuming you're from Rock city, like my friend Barb! She's the queen!" She explained as energetic as ever "you're friends with Queen Barb?" You asked shocked while poppy nodded. "Well, if you can show where generally in rock village-" "actually it's Volcano rock village but you're close enough! Anyway here is around where my family lives.. unless they moved" you explained pointing to the west end of volcano rock city. "If we can make it there I think I could find their house just based off my memory of the area." You said with a shrug. While poppy nodded "Well then! Roadtrip?" Poppy cheered while Branch and Floyd nodded. You were anxious at the idea of seeing your parents and siblings again but still agreed anyway.
Poppy walked outside with a bright smile on her face as she lead you and the others to a hot air balloon? You were a little confused why a hot air balloon of all things but before you spiraled into that thought rabbit hole you turned to Floyd "hey, you can stay back with your brothers if you want. I know it's been a long time since you've seen them" you offered mostly hoping he would not tag along and see you freak out and do something stupid. Unfortunately for you though, Floyd was too good of a troll to leave you to face this alone. "M/n.. I would never imagine leaving you to deal with this alone. I want to be there for you if things get tough. I know this is stressful for you." He said gently with a smile "you deserve to have a support system there for when you need it. Plus.. you are more important to me than any other random troll.." he muttered making you blush slightly nodding. You didn't know exactly what to define the relationship you had with Floyd. You always felt that relationships were formed when both parties spoke of and agreed to the titles and terms together, but you also knew that everyone had different ideas on this subject which made it a bit difficult to understand where exactly the two of you stood right now. Obviously a confession was done, and that was the first and biggest step! But were the two of you in a relationship? Partners? Were you guys going to begin dating? Really, it was confusing. You brushed the thoughts away stepping into the hot air balloon carefully, Floyd helping you in which you were grateful for since apparently your biggest issue in this weakened state was balance and coordination. Branch and Poppy were talking to eachother giggling together as they took off. Floyd grabbed your hand pulling you to the side of the basket thing, that carried you all, watching as the city began to become farther away. You gripped Floyd's hand tightly staring at the trees became smaller and smaller. "Woah- I don't like that" you muttered stepping back suddenly a bit spooked by the heights they had reached. "Hey! Hey, relax everything will be okay. Remember our hair can just catch us if need be.." Floyd reasoned and you nodded slowly, still not liking the idea of being so high up in the sky. "I've never been anywhere near this high up before- it's scary, I guess. Or new? Both? It's overwhelming." You explained as Floyd rubbed his thumb over your knuckles in a calming manner. "Don't worry, I got you. I promise I won't let anything bad happen alright?" Floyd reassured which you could only nod to before something made the hot air balloon shake slightly as something landed inside. You let out a surprised sound, stumbling a little before Floyd caught you. Once the hot air balloon stopped shaking, you looked over to see what had caused this and saw another troll? How? You guys were so high up, it didn't make any sense. Before you or anyone else could ask any questions Branch stepped forward with a scowl, Poppy seemed uncertain and mildly upset too. "What are you doing here Creek?"

|| Word Count: 1232! ah, more story!! Epic Spunky moment. Sorry if I'm rushing so much all the time atm I promise I'm not usually this bad (I just get really stressed when I make something a commitment when it's just supposed to be a fun hobby and I end up forcing out more stuff on a level that isn't as enjoyable and it shows in the content I make—) so if it's kinda not the best that's why, but don't worry it's still fun but some times I get a little stressed about the need to do more instead of doing it for fun like it should be. But if I just did it for fun we'd probably still be on chapter 3 LMAO. Anyway I'm getting into some fun bits for me to brainstorm, so enjoy this! (I mostly make the story as a go lol) have a great rest of your day!!!!||

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